Apple wins a trio of Apple Watch patents covering next-generation biometrics, custom adapters and tape adjustments


The US Patent and Trademark Office granted Apple 62 new patents today. In this second patent report of the day, we cover a trio of granted patents. A patent covers the possible implementation of a new generation biometric form intended solely for Apple Watch. A second patent covers an Apple Watch band with a lighting system that can provide dynamic icons that change to inform users of health status and so on. The latest patent granted by Apple Watch covers a custom tape system to keep the tape tight in order to measure a user's pulse and more.

Biometric sensor for acquisition of skin texture pattern images

The US Patent Office today granted Apple's patent 10,398,370 to the field of portable electronic devices, including a biometric wrist sensor. While options for a biometric authentication system for Apple Watch may include Face ID or Touch ID in the future, Apple's latest most recent patent in this area highlights a whole new form of biometric authentication. using a biometric wrist sensor located inside the room. A watch bracelet that reads the texture patterns of the skin.

The Apple patent FIG. Figure 2 below illustrates the No. 30 yellow wrist biometric sensor that can be worn by the No. 28 watch strap adjacent to the palmer side of the user's wrist.

2 Apple Watch authentication system based on skin texture patterns

The Apple patent FIG. Figure 6 above illustrates a future Apple Watch bracelet with a biometric wrist sensor equipped with an infrared thermal image sensor that will allow a more accurate acquisition of the texture pattern of the skin through the hair. The Apple patent FIG. Figure 8 above is a wrist skin texture image of a user using a biometric optical wrist sensor.

Clearly, Apple covered this in a January 2019 patent application report titled "Apple's Touch ID engineers invented a new form of biometrics for Apple Watch recognizing skin textures". Review it here for more details. Apple has another patent application covering this technology here.

Indicators for Apple Watch Band

The second patent related to Apple Watch covers the patent granted No. 10 401 800 which relates to smart bands / sports that can provide backlit indicators and icons representing the activities in progress. The band's indicators could represent the progress of the activity application, monitor the heart rate and offer other icons for running, swimming and other information indicating that there is no need for more information. a particular activity is being monitored or in progress.

The Apple patent FIG. 1B below represents an Apple Watch band showing partial illumination of the indicators; FIG. 2A represents a simplified system diagram of an Apple Watch coupled to a band incorporating an active indicator in communication with Apple Watch; FIG. 8 describes the operations of a method of updating an indicator.

3 X Watch Band Indicator System

The Apple patent FIG. 5A above represents an Apple Watch coupled to a band incorporating an indicator comprising a grid of independently illuminable areas; FIG. 5B is a band incorporating an indicator comprising an arcuate progression dial; and FIG. 5C represents a band incorporating an indicator comprising a number of icons that can be illuminated independently.

Clearly, Apple first covered this intellectual property in a patent application report published in March 2017 titled "Exploring Apple's Next Generation Intelligent Tapes for Sports Enthusiasts". You can read it here for more details and graphics.

Apple Watch with dynamic adjustment

The third Apple Watch patent granted to Apple today bears the number 10 398 200. It concerns the future Apple Watch which offers users a custom band adjustment with the help of a tuning system. Dynamic adjustment.

The perfect fit is achieved both for leisure and when the user begins training and needs his watch strap to clasp his wrist as if he were with him during his race or training.

The group will even help users to take their pulse by tightening it to perfection to get that biometric reading exactly where it should be, and then back off automatically so as not to impede blood circulation to the wrist.

4 X custom fit apple watch band

Clearly, Apple first introduced this invention as a patent application in September 2016 in a report titled "Apple reinvents the watch strap with automatic + adjustment" which you can check here for more details and relative figures. patents.

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