Apple’s Apple MagSafe battery for iPhone 12 announced costs $ 99


Battery iPhone 12 MagSafe


Apple on Tuesday announced a battery that snaps into the back of the iPhone 12 to provide additional battery life. It will help people to extend the battery life of their iPhone if it is about to die.

The MagSafe battery costs $ 99 and is available in white. It’s available for pre-order now and will start shipping next week.

Although it’s attached to the back of an iPhone, it can charge a phone with 5 watts of power, about the same as an old square iPhone wall charger and slower than the 15 watts you get. get with a regular MagSafe charger. When connected to an iPhone, users can plug a cable into its Lightning port to charge both the battery and the device at faster speeds.

Like other Apple accessories, it integrates tightly with the iPhone operating system to show additional battery life in iOS.

The product’s release this week is the latest in a series of accessories using Apple’s MagSafe system, which it introduced last fall with new iPhones. In surveys, extra battery life is consistently one of the top features consumers expect from their smartphones.

Apple has released battery extension cases in the past, but without MagSafe, Apple’s smart battery cases had to physically plug into the iPhone’s port to charge it and extend battery life. .

Apple hasn’t released official estimates for battery life or charging capacity, but a product photo suggests the MagSafe battery has a 1460mAh battery, which is just under half of the 3110 mAh battery of an iPhone 12.


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