April 7, 2:20 pm Updating weather forecasts


A wave of some showers and isolated showers has passed this morning, we are now in the clouds and the sun with strong southerly winds and temperatures reaching 64 to 72 from 13:50.

There is more sun in the north than in the south, so our northern regions are the hottest in the region.

There is a MARGINAL RISK of severe weather for the entire viewing area tonight tonight.

This means that a couple of severe, isolated storms are possible because some scattered showers develop.

Currently, the low stratus bridge with rain-cooled air, emanating from all precipitation in Kentucky, is moving north.

This is why we are seeing lower temperatures of 64 to 66 degrees below this bridge. North of this low cloud bridge, temperatures are about 70 to 72 in the sun.

Note all the sun in Missouri and western Illinois with cumulus towers developing with a cold Pacific front and short wave (with strong winds).

He grows 80 in Missouri.

According to the latest mesoscale analysis, this stratum cloud stratum moves north and darkens the entire viewing area this afternoon. Given the fact that the cooling air cooled by the rain arrives, temperatures will likely drop to 64-66 for everyone after peaks initially of 68-74.

However, there are signs that the low stratus bridge will break tonight for parts of the region. This will warm up the sun a bit and temperatures could rise to 67-71. This heating will also add some surface instability or buoyancy to the air masses, so the air can rise a little better in the clouds.

In addition, a lot of sun should remain in Missouri and Illinois as scattered storms develop. Instability or buoyancy will be maximized, allowing for more vigorous storm development. In fact, the situation is at the limit of the SLIGHT RISK scenario in a corridor of Missouri and western Illinois. Here, even with low persistent cloudiness, there should be enough surface instability, shear and dynamics to ensure that the risk of isolated and severe weather & storms have a good foundation (mainly from the sun) to road in Missouri and Illinois.

Radar projected from late afternoon to tonight:

That the explosion of morels begins in the woods! After the rain and low rainfall in the 50s tonight, the warmth of the sun and the temperatures in the 70's will make this Monday a pleasant month!

Note the extent of the 70's (up to southeast Minnesota and central Wisconsin!

After the 60s to 70s, Tuesday and Wednesday 60, it is possible that 70 will be Thursday with extreme weather risks in the afternoon and evening (while the late-season snow storm rages in our west and northwest )!

We will be colder with some waves of frost and frost around the middle of the month, then a very hot weather with potentially extreme weather conditions for our region (late April to early May).


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