APS asks customers to save energy after recent power cuts in California


PHOENIX – After excessive heat that forced thousands across California on Friday and Saturday, APS is asking customers to save energy this afternoon and tonight.

“In view of the prolonged heat wave in the western United States, APS is asking customers to conserve energy due to extreme energy demand resulting in higher usage across the region with the high temperatures of today, ”APS said in a statement.

Tucson Electric Power has made a similar request to customers in its coverage area.

APS asks customers to save energy as follows on Tuesday until 8 p.m.:

· Increase thermostat settings to no less than 80 degrees.

· Turn off extra lights and avoid using large appliances such as washers, dryers and dishwashers.

· Avoid operating swimming pool pumps.

The APS request also came just hours after Arizona Corporation Commission Chairman Bob Burns sent a letter to electrical utilities under the commission, such as APS, to see if they are in good shape or anticipate problems given what had happened in California. He asked businesses to respond at noon Friday.

“The whole plan is to take a look at the system early in the summer,” Burns said. “In early May, we are reviewing the system, making sure that we are ready and able to serve the public throughout the heat cycle.

Burns told ABC15 that the summer readiness workshop with utilities was held in May and that regulated utilities have said they are well equipped to deal with expected summer peaks. Tuesday’s letter to power companies seeks to see if they are still able to “adequately, safely and reliably serve” customers during the heatwave, or if what happened in California could happen here.

“With the activities going on in California, we just want to check it out,” Burns said.

An APS representative told ABC15 that they had adequate supply and reserve and did not foresee any problems.

However, the power outages in California also caught the attention of Commissioner Lea Marquez Peterson. She asks the president to hold an emergency meeting.

“The risk to Arizonans and the fact that the power could be cut off, that we have some kind of continuous blackout like California would, would really be a public health concern,” Peterson said. “It could be life or death in some cases for vulnerable populations.”

President Burns told ABC15 that he does not believe there is a need for an emergency meeting yet.

“We need to hear from the utilities and make sure everything is okay,” Burns said. “If not, then we can go this route.”

ABC15 also contacted SRP, which does not report to the Companies Commission. Asked by email about potential energy restrictions for consumers, a representative sent the following:

SRP does not anticipate any energy reduction required from its customers. That being said, this record heat is definitely going to put stress on our system – and all utility systems in the Southwest – so saving energy as much as possible can help us and it’s something we greatly appreciate from our customers. .

For more information on how to save energy, click here.


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