Arduino Cable Tracer Helps Diagnose Broken USB Cables


Over the years, we’ve all found ourselves swimming among too many similar-looking USB cables. Some have all the drivers and all the features, some are weird powered-only eccentrics, and some charge our phones fast while others don’t. It’s a huge headache and one that [TechKiwiGadgets] hope to solve with the Arduino Cable Tracer.

The plotter works with USB-A, Mini-USB, Micro-USB and USB-C cables to determine if connections are broken or not and also to identify wiring configurations. It is built around the Arduino Mega 2560, which is ideal for providing a huge amount of GPIO pins which are perfect for such use. Survey results are displayed on the 2.8 ″ TFT LCD screen which makes it easy to determine which cables are doing what.

It’s a neat build, and one would imagine that it would be very useful in getting quick / not allowed status on all the cables that came out of a garbage box somewhere. Remember to WIDLARIZE any faulty cables you find so they never bother you again. Video after the break.


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