Are black Americans the true "founding fathers"? | The flow


This month, four hundred years ago, the first enslaved Africans arrived in the New World before being sold to settlers living in what was to become the US state of Virginia. To commemorate this pivotal historic event, New York Times Magazine reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones created "The 1619 Project".

The cornerstone of the series is an essay by Hannah-Jones rephrasing the history of the United States and claiming that "the year 1619 is as fundamental as the American history of 1776 … the nation's capital, are the true "founding fathers" of our country ".

The New York Times is also associated with the Pulitzer Center to encourage teachers to add the project to their programs.

Although the series has garnered overwhelming support, it has also been criticized. Former history professor and Republican Party Congressman Newt Gingrich tweeted, "A draft history of slavery from 1619 is great. Insist on the fact that slavery is the reality that sets America is simply wrong ยป

In this episode of The Stream, we will dive into The 1619 Project and ask our panel if the United States would even be a democracy if not for the efforts of black Americans.

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