Are the benefits of hemp oil real? The experts weigh in


It looks like everyone and her sister (and her grandmother, aunt and first cousin have been kidnapped twice, and … you hear it) sprinkle CBD oil in her smoothies as she claims to be able to relieve the pain. pain and anxiety. But what about the sister of the CBD: hemp oil? Are the benefits of hemp oil legitimate? Supporters say that it can help with sleep and anxiety, balance your hormones, make your skin glow and protect your ticker. But here's what you need to know before you start pouring it on your food or putting it on your skin.

What is hemp oil and is it different from CBD oil?

CBD is a compound called a cannabinoid, says Jordan Tishler, MD, a Harvard-trained physician and specialist in the use of cannabis as a medical treatment. It can be extracted from hemp or marijuana, two different plants from Cannabis sativa L. ("cannabis") species. The big difference between the two: marijuana contains higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC"), the compound responsible for the psychoactive properties of the pot (a.k.a., which makes you high). Hemp, on the other hand, is naturally very low in THC (0.3%), says Tishler.

Are there any benefits to hemp oil or not?

Yes and no. Hemp itself is a source of A + More Omega-3 and Omega-6. In fact, it has the 3: 1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 which, according to research, is optimal for health. One of these omega-6s is the AGL, or gamma-linolenic acid, an anti-inflammatory. That's why Hemp food products, such as hemp hearts and hemp milk, are gaining reputation as legitimate superfoods.

Omega-3 and omega-6 have been proven to help treat conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema), which can leave skin dry and itchy. GLA in particular has been shown to improve dry skin and eczema. A 2005 study even found that people who consumed hemp oil for 20 weeks had a reduction in oil and reduced the symptoms and appearance of eczema after 20 weeks. But this research is preliminary, says Tishler.

Fatty acids and LFA can also help reduce the physical and emotional pain associated with PMS. Here's why: One of the causes of PMS is a hormonal imbalance that causes a lack of GLA in the body. It has been proven that LFA research can relieve the symptoms of PMS by lowering hormone levels in the balance. But so far, studies have not shown that the ingestion or spreading of hemp oil would have this effect.

Oh, and what ideal ratio of omega? Spanish researchers claim that this composition makes hemp oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). A high ratio of saturated fatty acids to PUFA has been associated with a reduction in cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries). This suggests hemp oil can have the potential to help prevent heart disease, according to the study's authors. But again, none of this has been tested in humans.

So should I buy hemp oil?

"It should probably be called snake oil," says Tishler. (So ​​… save some money.) Not only does hemp oil not present any real health benefits, but it can contain substances harmful to you. "Right now, what you can buy is less regulated than the supermarket potato," says Tishler. When one extracts hemp oil, pesticides, plastics and heavy metals may enter, says Tishler.

This seems to be reason enough to delay the use of hemp oil until the industry is better regulated.


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