Are we there already? Mid-season temperature survey on Patriots' takeover of AFC East


"If I had to pick a team to surprise this year, it would be the Miami Dolphins. Brian Flores seems to have an intangible "computing" factor that could put him above other Belichick's followers. But I still think the best shot of all teams in the playoffs is a Wild Card. "

Hasselbeck was not the only NFL analyst to have distinguished Flores for the possible jolt he could provide to the Dolphins and for the notoriously weak balance of power in the division. Simms also praised him when he was asked about Miami's chances.

Simms: "I'm really interested in seeing what Brian Flores does in Miami. Listen, I do not know him. But I know people who know him and who went to university with him, and it's nothing, but absolutely, positive that it will happen and that it will change things there. And it will be something if he can do it, because if you can win over there, you do something. "

Q: How do you rate the condition of AFC East? The status quo in favor of another runaway Patriots or a tighter race?

Simms: "It's good to see that we have these young quarterbacks in the division and I think the gap will certainly be smaller. I have no doubt about it.

I think both the Jets and the Bills have filled the gap from last year. Now, would I say that this gives them a chance to replace New England as the AFC champion? I would say no, I will not say that. I do not think so, and this is the old adage, if it rains 20 days in a row, are you going to bet that it will not rain on the 21st? Well, I'm not.

"It's a big obstacle, because the Patriots can prepare the year. Jets and Bills will have throws, but can they go there and still win? I do not know yet. But I know this: the Jets have a new coaching staff, but the Bills, along with Sean McDermott, I'm sure Bill Belichick says, "This guy is going to be a problem, so we have to stay alert. & # 39;

"That said, I do not know if Belichick's career could end, because I do not see in his life any signs that I could retire in a year or two, and I do not feel that way by looking at him. They win, of course, but when I see him, he's relaxed, and it's not stressful, Bill is not a stressor, so he can continue to do the job and continue to be a a good coach in the league, he can just keep walking and walking. "

Q: But do you like bills like the team that can give the most problems this season?

Simms: "I think they do a great job and what I like is that they give more weapons to Josh Allen (quarterback) and they try to repair their offensive line. And of course, their defense is for me the best-trained defense of the NFL. Now, I think patriots, when they need it, will be able to come up with these unique game plans that will win the game. But week after week, the bills are so well prepared that they really are.

"And their culture has changed so much and it's so good that it gives them a chance against New England. The Bills look a bit like the Patriots nowadays. You do not hear anything coming out of there. There are no troublemakers. It's a smooth operation. They created a very good culture in the area and made important changes. "


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