Aretha Franklin wins the Pulitzer posthumously


Photo: Kevin Winter (Getty Images)

As reported by United States today, Aretha Franklin today received a Pulitzer Special Posthumous Award in honor of his "indelible contribution to American music and culture for more than five decades". a year ago, but the organization does not really need to say more. She was the queen of the soul! She deserves all the rewards that anyone wants to dig.

As far as the Pulitzers are concerned, this type of award – which is awarded for unique circumstances outside the usual Pulitzer guidelines – is quite rare. The last recipient was Hank Williams in 2010. Bob Dylan received one in 2008 and John Coltrane and Ray Bradbury were honored the year before. The staff and the editorial board of the Capital Gazette in Maryland also received a special award this year, in honor of his "brave response to the biggest murder of journalists in American history" after the attack of an armed man in the newsroom in June of last year.


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