1 in 10 people suffer from symptoms several months after the Covid – News


One in ten people affected by Covid-19 continue to show symptoms after three months of suffering from the disease, according to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Some of the most common symptoms include a lack of smell and taste, migraines, headaches, breathing problems, and heart disease that need to be controlled with clinical studies and, in many cases, medical treatment.

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After overcoming the phase of coronavirus infection, many patients continue to have multiple organs affected.

Although there are many hypotheses and studies in progress, the WHO has already warned that one in ten people affected by the SARS-COV-2 virus, continues to show symptoms for up to three months after being diagnosed.

The coronavirus manifests itself in different ways in different patients and can leave sequelae, generating uncertainty about the symptoms or the severity of the case.

It is estimated that at least 10% of people who have had Covid-19 will have persistent symptoms that will not go away for months, respiratory and cardiac sequelae, loss of smell, migraines and headaches that require clinical evaluation and continuity in medical studies to prevent chronic diseases.

According to the WHO, more than 200 symptoms could persist after the patient is diagnosed with coronavirus.

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A publication from the National Library of Medicine assures that 44% of patients continue to have headaches, 12 to 78% suffer from fatigue (similar to chronic fatigue), while 30% report suffering from muscle and joint pain.

The lungs are also affected because in many cases there is a 10% reduction in breathing capacity and shortness of breath.

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Regarding cardiological problems, between 11 and 13% present heart damage and a myocardial infarction, and 6% report suffering from recurrent palpitations and tachycardia.

Anxiety and depression, loss of taste and smell, memory problems, and sleep disturbances are other possible long-term side effects that Covid can generate.

These symptoms can be disabling and even require medical intervention and rehabilitation, mainly affecting the quality of life of patients at the physical, psychological, emotional, family, professional and socio-economic levels.

Its onset is unrelated to the severity of the initial infection, so it can affect patients who have had mild COVID as well as those who were more severe and hospitalized, and management strategies focus on the symptom relief and the performance of corresponding checks.

Silvina Brienza, clinician at the Italian hospital, stressed that “the quality of life of post-covid patients is compromised, and it is essential to control the appearance of these symptoms after having had the disease and to continue monitoring. and possible treatment, indicated by the healthcare professional to transit it ”.

The specialist warned that it is important to be attentive to these symptoms and their continuity over time, as they can be confused with other apparent causes and not lead to the corresponding medical consultation.

As he pointed out, doctors and patients alike should be aware of the multiplicity of associated consequences that Covid infection can leave in the body for months after contagion.


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