10 people are killed by the mudslide in Brazil


The number of people missing after the breakup of a Vale mining company dam in Brazil dropped to 299, after firefighters saved more survivors from the tragedy on Saturday, although the death toll rose to ten, confirmed a firefighters spokesperson. at EFE.

At least 46 people have been rescued in the last few hours and transferred to various hospitals in the region, according to a joint statement by firefighters, the military police and the civil defense, which had presented in recent hours various figures total missing.

BRAZIL The collapse has occurred in the town of Brumadinho, in Mina Gerais (AP).

The new bulletin says that after the discovery of 46 people, the number of missing people has gone from 345 to 299, although the data may change rapidly in the coming hours.

According to the official note, the death toll remains at 9, but a spokesman for the firefighters confirmed that it has already risen to 10 and that it can still increase.

However, firefighters also recognize that it is possible that there are more survivors on four points in the region. This is why they will work uninterruptedly over the next few hours.

"There is hope and the fire department will work continuously to examine the entire area with the possibility of live casualties and until the last moment (to locate) the missing victims" , said Edgar's chief fire chief, to the press. Estevo da Silva.

The government of Minas Gerais (southeast) decreed state of public calamity in Brumadinhos, a town located about 4 kilometers from the large open-air museum of Inhotim.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro visited the affected region today. He said via Twitter that the executive "will do everything in its power" to "take care of the victims, minimize the damage, investigate the facts and tragedies like those of Mariana and Brumadinho, for the good of Brazilians and for the environment. "

After flying over the area, Bolsonaro returned to Brasilia as he plans to travel to Sao Paulo on Monday for surgery on Monday to remove the colostomy bag that was stabbed during the election campaign. September

BRAZIL The collapse has occurred in the town of Brumadinho, in Mina Gerais (AP).

Visit of the affected area

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro flew over the area covered by an avalanche of mud caused by the collapse of dikes in a mine. On board a helicopter, Bolsonaro observed the situation in the city of 39,000 inhabitants, partially covered by the quagmire, according to Ansa.

The president has formed a crisis committee composed of several ministers with whom he will meet this Saturday at Cofins airport in Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais.


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