10 teachings of Pope Francis on his devotion to Saint Therese of Lisieux


Pope Francis revealed his devotion to Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús (Santa Teresita de Lisieux), who said he accompanied and accompanied him at all stages of his life.

"This Therese now accompanies an old man. And I want to testify, I want to testify because she has accompanied me, at every step, she accompanies me. He has taught me to take steps, "confided the Holy Father during a spontaneous preaching of more than half an hour that he gave to nearly 100 religious of fenced.

This is the visit that Pope Francis made to the Carmelite monastery in Antananaribo (capital of Madagascar), in which he prayed with nearly 100 religious contemplatives from different monasteries of the country who, by exception, they left their cloister to find the pontiff.

That is why, after praying at mid-hour, the Holy Father opened his heart to the nuns so that they spontaneously speak to them of his devotion to St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the teachings of the Saint in his life.

Santa Teresita is "a faithful friend, that's why I did not want to talk to you about theoriesI wanted to tell you about my experience with a saint and tell you what a saint is able to do and how to be holy, "said the pope who encouraged them to move forward with courage.

Upon his arrival, the pontiff was received by the prioress of the monastery, Sister Maria Magdalena de la Anunciación, who greeted in French on behalf of all those present to welcome the pope.

Then Pope Francis prayed half an hour with them and at the end, He delivered the written homily that he had prepared for them so that they could read it, meditate Calm down, "while emphasizing that he meant" something of the heart "because" following the Lord requires courage "although it is" true that the heaviest work is done by Him " but let him act be brave, "he said.

After telling them the story of two nuns, an old woman and a young woman, the pontiff explained: "This is not a fable, it's a true story," the young woman Sister Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus and highlighted various teachings:

1. "Charity in small and great things. The path to perfection lies in these small steps on the path of obedience ".

2. "The courage to take small steps, the courage to believe that, By my smallness, God is happy and the world accomplishes salvation. "

3. "If you want to change not only the monastery, not only the religious life, change and save with Jesus, save the world, Start with these small acts of love, give yourself upwho imprison God. "

4 "Worldliness is not a nun that endsit is rather a goat that follows its path and comes out of the closing. "

5. "When thoughts of worldliness come to you, close the door and think of small acts of love: these save the world"

6. "The "polite" devils ring the bell… The tempter does not want to be discovered, so he is disguised as noble and educated. "

7. "This advice that I give you: speak immediately, talk at the hour, when there is something that takes away the peace of mindI do not say peace, but before, tranquility, then peace.

8. "Always the transparency of the heart. Talking always wins. That's right, you have to recognize that all prioras are not rewarded by the Nobel Prize ".

9. "For temptation, for spiritual struggle, the exercise of charity does not go to retirement: until the end, you have to fight. Until the end. Also in the dark … In this fight – cruel but beautiful – when it is true, peace is not lost.

10. "I hope that they were all girls in the spirit, hopefully! With this dimension of childhood, the Lord loves so much"

Finally, Pope Francis pointed out that at the end of Santa Teresita's life, he became ill and that he "seemed to have lost confidence" and pointed out that this was happening. Santa Teresita who "in his life was able to separate the demons educated". Therefore, the pope concluded that "charity is required, prayer. The charity to seek advice in time, to listen … And the prayer with the Lord, the prayer: Lord, is it true that what I feel, what the snake tells me is it true? "


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