100 days of bloody crisis in Nicaragua



Jul 27, 2018- 09:05

The socio-political conflict in Nicaragua, caused by the management of the president, Daniel Ortega, turns 100 days into the uncertainty generated by the Depletion of the economy, violence that does not stop and the exodus of citizens frightened by a situation without prospects for a quick solution.

The government's crackdown and threats against those who rise up against Ortega, 72, have spawned a drastic change of who until just over three months ago he had been arrested. image of being the safest and most peaceful country in Central America: between 295 and 448 people have been killed since April 18 as part of anti-government protests

Social Security Reforms proposed by Ortega triggered a wave of mbad demonstrations that led to an unequal struggle, in which self-proclaimed protesters, mostly university students, barricades to protect themselves from armed violence by pro-government forces.

The crisis has resulted in the closure of hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses with an indeterminate number of jobless families, and many Nicaraguans have been forced to leave the country for fear of violence or in search of a job. job that replaces the one they've lost.

The most affected sectors are the tourism and hospitality sector which, according to several businessmen whose names they omit for fear of retaliation, have ceased to receive customers. Thus, they have been forced to close their doors to the public, as is the case with hotels, restaurants, bars and places of entertainment in general.

The economic losses, of which no concrete data are yet available, place Nicaragua in a difficult situation, as it does not have a great economic potential for leaving, in the short term, the well into which it has since sunk. the beginning of the crisis, which we do not expect in the near future.

As reiterated by the Catholic Church, the solution to the conflict that affects all sectors of society is complicated, because of the lack of willingness of the government to dialogue, which does not want to give up the elections or to advance them, as requested by the Great Civic Alliance in the context of conversations

Foto / AFP

And the seriousness of the situation engendered by a maltreated economy, adds the social crisis that has generated the violence of government bullets "combined forces ", Integrated by police Parapolicías, paramilitaries and riots, who continue to kill those who demonstrate against the Government.

Despite the gravity of the situation, neither side is ready to give in a fight that has caused rivers of blood with hundreds of dead and wounded, kidnappings, torture and enforced disappearances of young people, including We still do not know where they are

on the one hand, and the Sandinists on the other hand during marches organized during the National Students' Day in Managua, held last Monday, when both parties made it clear that they would not give in until they reached the ideals for those who kill and die.

Peace, justice, democracy and freedom. These are words that some people make their own, but in disparate contexts and with different actors.

The Sandinistas, who – they say – will not stop before recovering Nicaragua before the revolts, advocate the continuity of Ortega and his wife. Vice President of the country, Rosario Murillo, while the self-employed, also reluctant to give up the fight, demand the immediate abandonment of the president and the entire executive.

Meanwhile, they continue to shut down businesses, death continues in the streets on both sides with speeches whose convergence is materially impossible.

Foto / AFP

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