10,000 kilometers to the hour: your eye will not be able to perceive the acceleration of the fastest vehicle in the world


This is not a Bugatti or a Pagani. The fastest vehicle in the world is a US Air Force rocket, a able to speed up to 10 620 kilometers per hour (more than eight times the speed of sound). It is so fast that the human eye can not perceive it.

The test you will see by clicking on the image above (spoiler: you will not be able to see the vehicle) was conducted at the base of the New Mexico Desert in the United States, to evaluate the materials that will be part of the future hypersonic vehicles for military use.

"He travels to 6,599 miles at the time (Mach 8.6) in the video and was several kilometers from the camera at first. It covers more than one mile every second"wrote Edwards Air Force Base on his Instagram profile.


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