103 arrested during the twentieth march of "yellow vests" | Chronic


Thousands of "yellow vests", about 30,000 according to the authorities and nearly 100,000 according to the organizers, have again protested in Paris and in other cities of France against the economic policy of Emmanuel Macron, with few acts of violence and a balance of 103 inmates.

At least 103 people were arrested during the day, according to prefecture data cited by the EFE agency, which also reported that the authorities had located 33,700 people, including 4,000 in Paris. The "yellow vests" brought this number to 102,700.

In Montpellier, two policemen were injured during the demonstration, after being hit by objects thrown by the participants, reported the DPA agency.

I also read: <A href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/mundo/ la France-The yellow-jackets-reports-a- marketr-but-with-calm-20190323-0032.html "target =" _ blank "> France: the "yellow vests" have returned but calmly

Moreover, in Bordeaux and despite the prohibition of the demonstration, thousands of "yellow vests" were concentrated around the Place de la République and, despite the initial calm, there were moments of tension when the police tried to disperse the protesters. protesters There were also tensions in Avignon, where the demonstration was banned and information was circulated about fines of 135 euros to some participants for participating in a banned event.

For this event, the twentieth of the "yellow vests", 12,000 police and gendarmes were mobilized throughout France to avoid troubles such as those that occurred two weeks ago in Paris.

Just like last week, members of the Operation Sentinel military counter-terrorist operation were also mobilized.

In Paris, the prefecture promulgated a decree prohibiting all events on the Champs-Elysees and its surroundings, including the Plaza de la Estrella and a perimeter including the Elysee Palace and the National Assembly. The measure has been reproduced in cities such as Toulouse, Avignon, Rouen, Epinal, Saint-Etienne or Bordeaux.

I also read: <A href = "https://www.cronica.com.ar/mundo/Violencia-y-destrozos-en-nueva- market-of-jackets-yellow-20190323-0013.html "target =" _ blank ">Violence and destruction in the new march of "yellow vests"

The mobilizations of the "yellow vests" began in November to protest against the rise of taxes on diesel. They culminated in December with demonstrations against the repression of the demonstrations to the point that French President Macron announced an economic measures to improve the living conditions of the middle clbad and the working clbad.

The Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castanerstressed that "Despite the serious threats and the will to commit acts of violence, the devices deployed this Saturday allowed to control the overflows immediately and stop the vandals".

Castaner was precisely one of the most criticized characters for his handling of protests, especially after March 16, when scenes of great violence between police and protesters in the heart of Paris were revived.

Following these demonstrations, a Paris court sentenced Friday to Eric Drue, one of the leaders of the "yellow vests", to pay a fine of 2,000 euros (97,000 pesos), for having organized two events without notice. On June 5, Drue will be the subject of a new trial for carrying weapons at one of the demonstrations.


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