11,000 people evacuated by an explosion in an ammunition warehouse in Russia


An explosion in the ammunition depot of a Russian military base in Siberia has left at least eight injured. The incident occurred at the base, about 10 kilometers from Achinsk, a military town located in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia.

The emergency services evacuated the inhabitants of the area within a radius of 20 kilometers "to ensure the safety of the population of the cities around the depot".

Authorities have indicated that residents are not in imminent danger, but it is better to stay away from the base.

The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the depot contained "gunpowder for artillery shells". The TASS news agency quoted an unnamed source as saying that there would be about 40,000 projectiles for tanks.

With the explosions, the roads of the Russian railways were affected, which had to stop the circulation of these locomotive machines through the sections where the fire spread.

Until now, it appeared that all the injured people had minor burns and had been badisted on the spot, so they had not been hospitalized.

Explosions of ammunition depots are not unusual in Russia. After the most recent incident of May 2019, a fire burned for nearly a week before being extinguished thanks to the use of airplanes with airplanes. fire.


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