119 contraband tarantulas found in athletic shoes – news


The package with tarantulas came from Poland, and was sent by an individual named “Michal Krolicki”.

The expedition, marked and declared “buty”, was destined for the city of General Trias, located a few kilometers from Manila, the capital of the Philippines.

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The Customs Office-NAIA prevented another attempt to …

Posted by Bureau of Customs PH on Thursday, October 29, 2020

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What they found inside was over a hundred arachnids arranged in individual plastic shoes and tubes.

This is not the first time this has happened. In 2019, a total of 757 of these arachnids were found alive when They attempted to be smuggled into boxes of oatmeal and cookies.

87 spiders of other species were also discovered, camouflaged in white plastic jars. In both cases, the exports also came from Poland.

Illegal trade in endangered wildlife, such as tarantulas, is a criminal offense.


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