“12 months and none are saved”: Loret de Mola presented “the 2020 corruption calendar”



The journalist Carlos Loret de Mola, made a count that called “The Corruption Calendar”, in which exposes a corruption scandal that occurred in 2020 for each month of the year.

In a video posted to the YouTube channel of latinus, mention that they are “12 months of 2020 and none are saved.” It started with the month of January, and the scandal of the exemption of Manuel Bartlett in the case of their 23 undeclared houses.

“The month of January started with the surprise that the Christmas holidays left us, when we were all distracted, the official exoneration of Manuel Bartlett was announced, due to the problem we revealed to him of the 23 houses and the two undeclared companies he owns with his family, ”the journalist said.

He mentioned that the Civil Service Secretary, Irma Eréndira Sandoval, wife of the scholar John Ackerman, found nothing wrong. “In January, the opposition deputies formally asked Irma Eréndira Sandoval to repeat the investigation, but obviously that did not happen, because Bartlett has a very good lawyer,” the journalist said sarcastically during the video .

The video evokes the case of the 6 houses of Irma Eréndira Sandoval PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS /CUARTOSCURO.COM
The video evokes the case of the 6 houses of Irma Eréndira Sandoval PHOTO: GALO CAÑAS /CUARTOSCURO.COM

During the video he also called Bartlett “the King of Federal Electricity Commission blackouts”.

During the month of February, he evokes the scandal of the embezzlement of National Sports Commission (CONADE).

“February has arrived and with it an audit which revealed deviations of 30 million pesos within CONADE, in charge of the Olympic medalist Ana Gabriela Guevara; I wish that was the only scandal, but no, they also denounced her for corruption, nepotism, bribes, extortion and even attempted homicide, ”said the communicator.

He said that AMLO came to defend her and said the complaints were political attacks because she wanted to be a candidate for the government of Sonora.

The journalist discusses the case of millionaire deviations in CONADE PHOTO: MARIO JASSO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
The journalist discusses the case of millionaire deviations in CONADE PHOTO: MARIO JASSO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

For the month of March, Loret de Mola evokes the case of the publication of the study on false invoices in the health sector.

“Detour for more than 4 billion pesos, that although they started in 2014, in corrupt six-year term (Enrique) Peña Nieto, they continued in the administration of López Obrador. In the IMSS, in the ISSSTE, and what did the president do? Talking about the issue in general, as if it was something that wasn’t happening anymore, was not happening anymore, says the former Televisa worker.

In April, he recalled the case in which the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), awarded a contract to the brother of the director of this agency, Zoe RobledoWhat he mentioned was the tip of the iceberg, as it was later learned that there were more contracts linked to the grievor’s family.

“Already entered into the pandemic, irregularities have appeared in the contracts signed by Social Security for the purchase of medical supplies, some at a high price, granted to companies sanctioned by the government itself Has the president called for an investigation, asked for the house to be cleaned, accused someone of being corrupt? Do not”.

Called Manuel Bartlett "the king of blackouts CFE".  (Photo: courtesy of the Chamber of Deputies)
He called Manuel Bartlett “the king of CFE breakdowns”. (Photo: courtesy of the Chamber of Deputies)

In May, he recalled the case in which Leon Manuel Bartlett, son of C holderOmission of federal electricity, Manuel Bartlett, took the opportunity to market additional medical equipment.

He brought up the most notorious case, that of the fans he sold to IMSS, 85% more expensive than their normal cost. In addition, he mentioned the contracts that León obtained with the ISSSTE, the army and the navy, for 162 million pesos.

He recalled that Bartlett’s son’s company was disabled “for a little while.”

In June he mentioned the case of Irma Eréndira Sandoval, In regards to 6 houses he has, five of them bought for money in the space of nine years with her husband, John Ackerman, and one of them, built on land given to her by the government of Mexico during the administration of Marcelo Ebrard.

He recalled that before the complaint, no one had requested an investigation against the head of the SFP and, on the contrary, “half of the cabinet” had defended it.

He recalled the case of Jesús Seade, who, while in charge of the Undersecretary for North America, made trips at the expense of the Treasury.  REUTERS / Edgard Garrido
He recalled the case of Jesús Seade, who, while in charge of the Undersecretary for North America, made trips at the expense of the Treasury. REUTERS / Edgard Garrido

For July, he recalled the trips the then Federal Under-Secretary for North America, Jesús Seade, had made to Hong Kong, where he has a family, and Las Vegas, with treasury charges.

“I’ve done 107 first class flights at the expense of the treasury, and it is not uncommon for a diplomat to travel, the problem is that without having official activities, Seade was going on weekends to Las Vegas, coinciding with Canelo’s fight, or visiting Hong Kong, where his family lives, and he used them all as work trips, ”says Loret.

In August, he recalled the scandal of the videos revealed on Pío López Obrador, brother of the president, and David Leon, where the latter is seen giving money to Pío, as they say they were for the AMLO campaign.

“Like Salinas, López Obrador has an uncomfortable brother,” said the journalist, in addition to recalling that AMLO came out to say that he knew the videos, but that for him it was not corruption, but contributions to strengthen the movement.

For September he mentioned the case in which it became known that in the Institute to return the stolen to the people (INDEP) there were corrupt officials, citing the resignation letter of the former director of the institute, Jaime Cardenas, where the fact is disclosed.

“He only lasted three months in power and preferred to leave.”

In October, he recalled the scandal of the government purchases through direct rewards. He said that in the countryside, AMLO criticized direct rewards, however, during his rule they are the most common, and mentioned that the 80% of contracts in the current administration are not awarded.

In November, he recalled the corruption scandals that involved two of his closest associates: Jesús Ramírez, your spokesperson, who paid 58 million pesos to a front company to print the newspaper Moreno Regeneración, already Alejandro Esquer, his private secretary, by also signing contracts with front companies.

The last month of the year, December, he mentioned the scandals linked to the president’s cousin, Felipa Obrador, who had millionaire contracts with PEMEX and other government agencies.

At the end of the video, he mentions that Inegi diagnosed that the number of victims of acts of corruption increased by more than 7% between the end of the Peña Nieto administration and the first year of López Obrador.


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