12 Year Old Boy Killed Himself Due to Continued Harassment Due to His Sexual Orientation: “I Was Scared to Go to School” the Chronicle


Riley hadley, a 12-year-old boy from Devon, England, made a drastic decision after being constantly harassed by other boys his age because of his sexual orientation. The minor had to leave the school he attended, Sidmouth Community College, because his classmates discriminated against him. The idea of ​​returning led him to suicide.

Investigators after interviewing dozens of students, Riley, in the months leading up to his death, had questions about his sexual orientation, which allegedly made him a victim of harassment from some of his classmates. .

Allison Holmes, mother of the 12-year-old boy, revealed her son was bullied in the local park, was pushed into the halls of the school and even physically assaulted him in kicking him on a road. “I was afraid to go to school and to the park,” says the woman. For this reason, they decided that after the summer of 2019 they would start their homeschool.

Other colleagues admitted to police that those who harassed Riley even told him they wanted him dead and that “Do us all a favor and cut their veins”.

On the day of her death, they both went to the doctor for a check-up on Riley due to anxiety issues. On the way home, the mother raised the possibility of the child returning to school due to the difficulties home schooling posed as she had to work. “He cried. We talked and he looked a little better,” said Holmes, who after that conversation went to work.

The little boy was left alone and when the woman returned home she found him lifeless in his room. The autopsy confirmed her death was due to asphyxiation by now being suffocated.

Sidmouth Community College, the institution I attended

Sidmouth Community College, the institution I attended
Riley Hadley.

Charlotte Heath, the inspector in charge of the case, revealed that the minor tried to run away from his home in July 2019 due to harassment he suffered at school, but was found soon after. Authorities interviewed nearly 30 children who knew Riley, who confirmed the harassment she suffered and that it was due to her sexual orientation. The situation got to such a point that the boy got hurt and even tried to hang himself before, according to a friend.

Other colleagues admitted to police that those who harassed Riley even told him they wanted him dead and that “Do us all a favor and cut their veins”. Finally, little Riley Hadley could not take the situation any longer and decided to end his life due to the hatred, harassment and homophobia he suffered.


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