12-year-old girl gave birth: her mother who organized a “baby shower” and the perpetrator were arrested | the Chronicle


Nail A 12-year-old girl has given birth. the the aggressor and the minor’s mother, identified as DC, were detained. happened in United States.

The baby gave birth in the tulsa hospital, Oklahoma, July 14. It was the medical staff at the hospital who notified the sexual abuse of which the minor has been the victim, so he called the 911 emergency service, and reported the rape case. It should be noted that the minimum age for sexual consent in the state of Oklahoma is 16 years old.

The father of the newborn, 24, was in the hospital, waiting to become a “proud new father “, as reported by RT. the the man was arrested and charged with first degree rape, according to police sources.

Investigations revealed thatthe mother of the minor and other relatives knew and authorized the relationship with the young man, and they even organized a “baby shower“According to the Tulsa Police Department, via a Facebook post, did they discover that the girl’s mother was aware of the relationship her 12 year old daughter had with a 24 year old man and the baby? that they were waiting for together.

Wife identified as Desiree Castaneda, 33 Years has been arrested accused of child neglect and of having left child sexual abuse.

While the rapist remains in custody on $ 50,000 bond.


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