13 people from the same family have died infected with the coronavirus


The coronavirus is putting the health systems of many countries in difficulty and Peru is no exception. A young woman who lives in Pisco recounted a dramatic case: 13 parents died of Covid-19 and now his father has just been infected and cannot find a place in any local hospital.

Helen Yáñez detailed the family tragedy that surrounds him. “The last to die was my 74-year-old grandfather. Today Peruvian patients are dying because they cannot get beds in hospitals “, he counted.

The young woman did not know how the chain of family infections began. But, over the weeks, all of the limbs were infected. And, one by one, they died from serious infections and from lack of room for hospitalization.

Helen Yáñez, the woman who lost her whole family.

Helen Yáñez, the woman who lost her whole family.

Before the last denouement, the young woman had to admit her father, also infected with Covid-19. But instead of being treated in intensive care, he could only get a place in a “normal” room. “He has a reserved diagnosis and does not respond to treatment,” he admitted.

“In my aunt’s case, she was saturated 70 years old, she was drowning and I had to fuss so they could transfer her to an intensive care bed,” he added.

Peru is going through a new wave of coronavirus infections that is severely affecting the country and leading to high death rates and threatens to further saturate an already overcrowded health system. Access to the vaccine is still very limited, only 3% of the population received at least the first dose.

Yáñez and an image of his father, hospitalized with Covid-19.

Yáñez and an image of his father, hospitalized with Covid-19.

“What about the authorities? With all these candidates who have run million dollar campaigns and cannot come here, where are all these voters who have been asked to vote. I don’t want to lose my father, ”he commented.

Currently, intensive care units (ICU) have collapsed, with young patients intubated. The most affected group continues to be between 30 and 40 years old.

Vaccination is progressing slowly in Peru.  Photo: Xinhua.

Vaccination is progressing slowly in Peru. Photo: Xinhua.

In addition, young people criticized funeral home workers who approach people to offer and deliberately enjoy the life of hospitalized parents.

“The worst part is these people who are here, wondering if your patient is okay or if he is going to die to sell you boxes, like vultures. The hospital provides your information to the funeral home to call you for service. How is it possible that they have neither sensitivity nor humanity, ”he said.

The cemetery of Iquitos, Peru.  Photo: AP

The cemetery of Iquitos, Peru. Photo: AP

According to international media, Peru recorded the highest number of deaths recorded by the pandemic on Sunday: 433. According to health authorities, there have so far been 1,719,088 confirmed infections and 57,954 deaths. Regarding the occupancy of intensive care units, of the 2,682 beds, 2,580 are occupied.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it was only during the first week of April that Peru recorded an average of 10,000 cases of infections per day, with 300 deaths per day (in a population of ‘approximately 33 million inhabitants).

This number of deaths represents an increase of more than 50% compared to the last week of March. All this puts Peru in too critical a situation: it is the country that today suffers the most excess deaths in relation to its population throughout the world.

Long queues for oxygen in Lima.  Photo: DPA

Long queues for oxygen in Lima. Photo: DPA

The cities of Lima and Callao will be the ones with the greatest restrictions on Peruvian territory due to the increase in infections and deaths in this region.

From Monday April 19 to Sunday May 9 inclusive, these metropolises are again under the extreme risk classification.

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The plan of the country which had only 11 cases of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic


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