14 children developed the "werewolf syndrome" by taking contaminated drugs in Spain


The Spanish Agency for Medicinal Products and Health Products (AEMPS) has ordered the withdrawal of a lot of defective omeprazole for babies causing hypertrichosis, excess of hair affecting fourteen Andalusian babiesa for the drug distributed in about thirty pharmacies.

The General Council of Official Pharmacists Associations has communicated to each Autonomous Community the alert detected by the AEMPS, which ordered in August the withdrawal of pharmacies and Andalusian hospitals from all lots of omeprazole of FarmaQuímica on SL.

This principle prescribed to infants with reflux has caused hypertrichosis in at least fourteen children under one year in Andalusia, confirmed sources from the Ministry of Health.

According to the alert of the Spanish Medicines Agency, The defective minoxidil containing omeprazole, a drug active against alopecia, was detected in 22 lots with a withdrawal order.

This pharmaceutical alert adds to that issued on July 11, when the withdrawal of a batch of this same drug had been ordered after thirteen cases of hypertrichosis were diagnosed in various northern provinces of Canada. countries and all concerned medicinal products containing the active substance. from Farmaquímica Sur SL, located in Málaga.

According to the General Council of Colleges of Pharmacistss, the company responsible for manufacturing the drug calculated that the defective product had been distributed to 24 to 30 Andalusian pharmacies.
The laboratory also indicated that it contacted each of them directly and treated each case individually.

This pharmaceutical alert is added to that published in July also by an omeprazole prescribed for the reflux of babies and which caused them hypertrichosis.
In this case, the parents of four children in Santander denounced a laboratory importing and distributing drug companies and two pharmacies for the manufacture, distribution and sale of a product containing crepel that had been mistakenly supplied to their baby and to whom they had been prescribed. omeprazole

What is the werewolf syndrome

Hypertrichosis, called "werewolf syndrome", is a condition that causes excessive growth of hair on any part of the body and can affect women and men. This is extremely rare.

The causes of hypertrichosis are not completely known, although there is a form of the disease that tends to run in families. Conbad hypertrichosis can be caused by the reactivation of genes responsible for hair growth. Due to an error that still has no known cause, these hair growth genes "activate" as long as the baby is still in the womb.

Hypertrichosis does not have a cure, although the risk of some forms of acquired hypertrichosis can be reduced by avoiding certain drugs, such as minoxidil. The treatment for hypertrichosis consists of hair removal by various short-term methods, including shaving, chemical depilation, hair removal and bleaching. Long-term solutions include laser surgery.

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