15 dead in Chile following the military crackdown of Sebastián Piñera's government


Tuesday morning, since the Palacio de La Moneda, the under-secretary of the Interior confirmed that there were 15 deaths during the military crackdown to the social epidemic that the brother city of Chile.

According to the Chilean Ministry of Defense, in total 7,941 members of the armed forces have been deployed in these three cities, and it is estimated that more than 9,000 soldiers are deployed This morning in the emergency areas.

While public transport continues to be paralyzed in Santiago, the Valparaíso metro will no longer work, but the bus network, which began its usual routes from 07:30 to 20:00 today.

Rancagua, La Serena and Coquimbo woke up under military command, after declaring the state of emergency.

The information shows that at least three dead left in a supermarket which had been looted in San Bernardo.

"We do not have precise information on the circumstances (…) but unfortunately, we must point out that three deaths in this fire have clearly done us a lot of harm," said the mayor of Santiago, Karla Rubilar to the press


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