15 dead in clashes between the army and the guerrillas


At first, it was the army commander, General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, who reported the deaths of ten guerrillas and a non-commissioned officer through a message posted on Twitter.

“Units of the Army’s Third Division report fighting in Silver Plated, Algeria, Cauca. Ten GAO-r Carlos Patiño members have been neutralized,” he said. The deceased soldier was an army non-commissioned officer, to which are added seven other wounded soldiers. A Colombian Air Force plane was also hit.

The clash began Saturday morning in the area of ​​El Plateado, Algeria, between members of the third division of the army and members of dissident Carlos Patiño of the FARC.

<< Poursuivant le développement de l'opération, les troupes ont reçu un membre présumé de la structure criminelle susmentionnée, qui se soumettra à la justice. De même, lors de la fouille de la zone, jusqu'à présent une mitrailleuse, des armes longues et courtes ont été saisies >>, Zapateiro told, according to the newspaper El Espectador. Local portal Ultima Hora Cauca said the fighting started around 5:30 a.m.

Social leader Walter Aldana, a participant in the Global Program for the Substitution of Illicit Crops (PNIS), reported on March 29 that the region is plunged into a state of terror, due to the clash between the Carlos Patiño column, the guerrilla of the National Liberation Army and the army itself.

According to analysts, illegal armed groups are seeking to take control of drug trafficking routes in Colombia.

“What exists today in the department of Cauca is the presence of eight or ten illegal armed groups which, in the territories, manage an exercise of power and domination. They fight this territorial domination among themselves. But who is in time? For more than a year, since before the pandemic, we have had a curfew from 7 p.m., ”Aldana said.

In the same region, on March 26, a car bomb attack was carried out against the mayor’s office of Corinto, injuring 43 people, including eleven civil servants.

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