15 people killed in Chile during mass demonstrations across the country


The record of protests that took place throughout Chile was raised to 15 Tuesday after the discovery of the body of a dead man electrocuted during a looting operation in a supermarket in central Santiago.

Carabineros confirmed that he had found the body inside the premises when he arrived in the area after receiving an emergency call to dissolve a crowd that was looting the curfew of the trans-national capital.

Chile's Deputy Secretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, explained that all deaths were related to "fires and looting, mainly shopping centers".

Events in Chile (AP).

According to this strength, the man 's hidden in the supermarket when he saw the uniform arriving to control the situation and hid in a warehouse behind a refrigerator that caused a shock electric who caused his death, according to several local media and EFE News Agency.

Before midnight, the Navy confirmed the presence of another deceased in the city of Talcahuano, about 500 kilometers south of the capital, after being hit by a navy truck when soldiers intervened for another looting.

This situation has also occurred under the curfew in this city.

Events in Chile (AP).

Santiago and the entire metropolitan area, to which the capital belongs, were for the third consecutive night under curfew, a measure extended to the region of Valparaíso, to the province of Concepción and to the towns of Antofagasta, La Serena, Coquimbo, Rancagua, Talca and Valdivia.

The violent groups have radicalized the social protest because of the rise of the price of the metro of Santiago. This is the trigger that has led to massive demonstrations with clashes with the police, barricades, fires and looting.

Events in Chile (AP).

The Chilean president, Sebastián Piñera, declared that the country led "a war" against the violent ones and remained in state of urgency, totally or in some of its communes, in 11 of the 16 regions of the country: the metropolitan area ( Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Coquimbo, Valparaiso, Maule, Concepcion, Bío Bío, O. Higgings, Magallanes and Los Ríos.

At the last minute, the president gave up on the subway increase and urged all political parties to find a solution to the most serious social conflict that has shaken Chile for decades.


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