15-Year-Old Dies of Heart Attack While Having Sex in a Car with a 26-Year-Old Man | the Chronicle


Nail teenager 15 years of São Paulo died of a heart attack while had sex with a 26 year old man in his car.

Gabrielly Dickson died on Sunday evening after being admitted to UPA Jardim Casquiero medical center in Cubatão, São Paulo.

Man told police he and Dickson were having sex in his car when she passed out, according to the online news site G1.

The man drove the teenager unconscious in hospital, where the doctors tried to resuscitate her.

Military police went to the hospital after learning that the the teenager would have been beaten, corn nurses rule out signs of abuse.

G1 reported that Dickson’s family said they were unaware of his relationship with the man and did not know if he was suffering from any illness.

The age of consent in Brazil is 14 and the man who had sex with Dickson at the time of his death has not been charged with any crime.

The results of the autopsy.

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