15-year-old girl was a sex slave and has committed suicide after being rescued | Chronic


A 15-year-old girl from the 15-year-old American city of Texas, who had been released from people who sexually exploited them, committed suicide at her home.

The tragic outcome occurred last Saturday, when Letty Serrano He locked himself in the bathroom of his father's house and committed suicide.

"He died in my arms", Said his father shouting on the KRIV channel, and said that the girl could not bear to be removed from the man who had been the subject of traffic with his body. "I wanted to stay with him, but not to hurt his family," he added.

The child was kidnapped at the age of 13, drugged and sold to sex traffickers, but thanks to her family, who experienced a real ordeal, the young woman was rescued twice, but came back with his exploiter.

Incredibly, justice took him to arrest him and when he did, he was released in a few days for bureaucratic reasons.

The parents of the teenager believe that the man had at least three accomplices who drugged and trafficked Letty and now, after his death, they demand that everyone be sued.

Jim Dale, investigator of the police division charged with the control of prostitution, felt that Letty's case was to be reopened.

"She was a victim and her screams were ignored", he said publicly and asked schools to participate in anti-trafficking campaigns

Micah Gamboa, Executive Director of Elijah Rising, a Christian organization fighting against human trafficking, which argues that Letty's case is part of "of a known history, unfortunately".

In addition, he estimated that more than 300,000 people are victims of human trafficking in the state of Texas.

"Whole cities are becoming reds, it's no longer an isolated problem, it's actually spreading across the country."He concluded.


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