17 minutes of terror: The assassin has broadcast the massacre live on Facebook – 15/03/2019


The sudden killings of lone gunmen have become a very sad reality every day, first in the United States, then in many other parts of the world. But this time, a chilling condiment was added: the terrorist was filmed at all times and was broadcast on Facebook Live to trace the entire sequence of the mbadacre.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The alleged perpetrator, a man identified as Brenton Tarrant, aged 28 and born in Australia, had previously posted on a website a manifesto in which he described himself and explained the racist and xenophobic motives of the attack.

"I am only an ordinary white man, born to a normal family who has decided to take a stand for the future of his people," he wrote.

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On the images, you can see how the man arrives at the Christchurch Mosque, takes two guns with inscriptions in the trunk of his car and, once entered the garden, he starts shooting at the parishioners who are were at the door. The 17 minutes of terror begin.

The point of view of the camera is reminiscent of "shooters", video games in the first person. But the images show no game, but a mbadacre against innocent and unarmed people.

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All the bloody raids could be tracked live (or later, while the video was circulating through the networks) to the horror of those who encountered the images.

A corpse lies on the sidewalk outside the mosque in central Christchurch, New Zealand. (AP)

A corpse lies on the sidewalk outside the mosque in central Christchurch, New Zealand. (AP)

After a few minutes, Facebook turned off the video but it was too late. The images began to multiply in the networks. Then, YouTube was also responsible for downloading videos that several users had posted on the social network after extracting them from Facebook.

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The video ends with the escape of the car. The escape does not prevent the terrorist from overwhelming one of his victims. Then he escapes at full speed.

Mustafa Farouk, spokesman for the Muslim community, said that at least six people had been injured.

Police blocked the center of the city, located on the southern island of New Zealand, and called on the population to stay home while searching for the badailant who fled.


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