17-year-old young man will be the first person to march on Mars [video]


09 July 2018 14:00.

She is only 17 years old, but Alyssa Carson is already training to be an astronaut and traveling to Mars with NASA. While we dream of going to see Star Trek or Star Wars, the young woman from Baton Rouge (Louisiana) is doing everything she can to fulfill her dream of being the first person in the world. world walking on Mars.

The truth is that Alyssa has everything to win. He was the first to complete NASA's three Space Camps and the youngest to be accepted and graduate from the Academy of Advanced Possums. With this trajectory behind him, now the space agency leads him to go to Mars in 2033.

The education of the young woman is not based solely on the formation of astronaut . He continues to institute and studies the topics nothing more and nothing less than in four languages: English, Chinese, French and Spanish. "The biggest challenge is time and doing everything while still in high school." "To train again as an astronaut at such a young age will bring me difficulties, but I have done it until here," said Alyssa to Bored Panda. [19659006] And there is no end to his story.The little astronaut also has the gift of public speaking: his goal is to arouse interest in space exploration and development. to inspire people to realize their dreams, and the girl's inspiration was clear on the answer: "all astronauts, especially women, since they have built the way forward." [19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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