$ 1,800, which costs a dozen eggs, according to Minister Alberto Carrasquilla


Minister of Finance of Colombia, Alberto Carrasquilla.  Photo: Colprensa
Minister of Finance of Colombia, Alberto Carrasquilla. Photo: Colprensa

As expected, the tax reform or “law of sustainable solidarity” gave us something to talk about during the week. Despite the national government seeking to explain the need for its approval and to claim that it will favor the most needy in the country, there are still detractors.

In social networks, on April 17, they questioned President Iván Duque that today he insists that reform is necessary to support the financing of social programs for the most vulnerable families in the country, when on August 4, 2020 he affirmed before the economic media in the region grouped in the Alliance Ripe, such as La República, which did not agree with it.

“Recognize that doing tax reform at this time, as we have the pandemic hitting micro, small, medium and large businesses, the middle class, the upper class, the most vulnerable, because it is suicide.”, commented, at that time, the Head of State.

And this Sunday, on Twitter, some citizens questioned the Minister of Finance, Alberto Carrasquilla, portfolio which tabled the reform in Congress, for having proposed the “law of sustainable solidarity”, while he does not know how much costs ten of eggs. Her ignorance of this product from the family basket was evident in an interview with Vicky Dávila of Semana.

“So I don’t even ask him how much it’s worth, if he knows how much an egg is or if he knows how much a pound of rice is worth; I admit, I don’t know, I don’t have it in my accounts “, were the words of Vicky Dávila in the interview shared on April 17.

In response, Minister Carrasquilla said:

“I look like a shoe, let’s say, but when it comes to eggs, it depends on the quality. 1,800 pesos a dozen or something, that’s what I have in mind, a pound of rice also depends a lot on the quality, there is everything ”.

The response from the head of the Treasury portfolio sparked non-conformities among citizens like Sebastián Botero, who shared the video on Twitter, accompanied by the following message: “How not to be screwed with a Minister of Finance like this imprescriptible Carrasquilla?”, which states that a dozen eggs are worth 1,800 pesos. No wonder this desire to tax everything, because it completely ignores reality. “

Among the reactions to Carrasquilla’s statement, there are some in which one wonders that “people who do not spread the streets” are administering the country, as @La_Margara states:

“You rightly think the minimum wage is shockingly high. People who make public policies who never take to the streets and who try to govern. This is the same thing you should do with the policies for the family basket. What infinite misfortune ”.

Sebastián Botero, the same tweeter who shared the video, even referred to the time the president Iván Duque mentioned that a baker won $ 2 million

On April 15, 2020, in an interview with Caracol Televisión, President Iván Duque said:

“The lord of the pastry shop has 10 employees. Their employees earn, let’s say between… Let’s put on average two million pesos ”,

At that time, President Iván Duque was asked about such a statement, so much so that memes on social media did not wait. There were even videos on TikTok in which some bakers made fun of what the head of state said.


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