19 billion pesos were won in the pot, but they ended up separated and in ruins: what happened to them? | the Chronicle


The film is well known “From beggar to millionaire”, in which the actor Eddie murphy goes from bad to economical to best of them, but in UK There is a situation that has been reversed, and that is the comment of the society of this country.

It all started in 2012 when Adrien Yes Gillian bayford earned £ 148million (approx. 203 million dollars or 19 trillion pesos) and it seemed her life was “directed”, but in just 15 months after the award, the marriage that had lived together for nine years, It’s over.

The couple had two children and seemed stable, but everything has changed and since their separation their lives began a downward path that ended in ruin, in fact, they were romances and controversies.

For his part, Adrian has been abandoned many times by his various partners. While Gillian was sentenced in 2017 for attack a lover, As reported The mirror. Then she married a crook and during her quarantine for coronavirus, at 48 years old, had a son.

As soon as they won the award, they both started spending millions, while Gillian enjoyed luxury cars, like a Mercedes and an Audi, Adrian bought a mansion for £ 6million ($ 8.2million), which is currently in ruins.

In November 2013, the couple announced their divorce and rumored to be Gillian he had started a relationship with the gardener. After the separation, Gillian moved to Dundee, while Adrian found love two months later with a young woman 16 years younger, named Sam Burbidge.

Sam Burbidge seized the opportunity (Mirror, co.uk).

After six weeks, Adrian got engaged to the woman, who worked in the stables. To show her love she decided offer him 30 thoroughbred horses and built a £ 1.5million event stadium in the city of Norfolk.

But the relationship ended in 2017, when Sam He took advantage of the fact that Adrian was out of the house to run away with the 30 horses, The price was 300,000 pounds ($ 413,000), a sports car was $ 82,000 and a vehicle for transporting equines $ 137,000.

Sad lonely and final

Although Adrian managed to rebuild his life, in 2018 he was once again abandoned by his then-girlfriend. Lisa Kemp, after describing e-mails between the man and an ex-lover.

Gillian has also had no luck in her love life as last year she was convicted of assaulting her ex-partner. Gavin Innes with whom he has a six-month relationship. The couple met in 2017 and, according to the woman, the relationship turned physical.

The woman also surrounded herself with bad lovers (Mirror.co.uk).

From what was posted by The sun, Gavin reported that the woman used her fortune to control him and admitted that he felt like a “Chihuahua in Paris Hilton’s bag.” The man confessed that he felt that “I had to make him happy. “I felt trapped in a golden cage, like her. If I didn’t agree with her, I would lose access to the Range Rover Evoque and the Audi A3 ”, Gavin said.

Once the bond between the two was over, Gillian quickly got over the situation, and in 2018, she married the con artist. Brian Deans. The man had stolen more than $ 18,000 from a grocery store in an area that involved paying bogus customers. Either way, Gillian revealed that last year, near her 50th birthday, became a mother for the third time.

United Kingdom: other companies

During these years, Adrian and Gillian have been looking for ways to diversify their money. The woman bought a children’s playground, but a few months later, in 2013, she had to close it for “Unforeseen circumstances”.

In August 2016, after winning the lottery, Adrian opened a Stable store of film memorabilia and recordings. In turn, he decided to buy 38 houses for rent and collect rent. However, the investment gave him problems because in 2016, a disabled tenant claimed that the man was evicting him because I wanted to increase the rent by $ 340.

Gillian Bayford has become a mother for the third time (Mirror.co.uk).

On this occasion, Adrian defended himself via social networks: “People who criticize me and don’t even know me really have no idea who I am or what I do for people. Yes, I was lucky. I try to help everyone I can, but I don’t want two bad pennies to ruin my life. “

The couple also used some of the wealth for charity. Adrian hosted the Cambridge Rock Festival on the grounds of his mansion, while Gillian bought a house specially adapted for a four year old boy with a rare neurological disorder.

On the flip side, three years ago Adrian decided to put his mansion up for sale, as it supposedly reminded him of his ex-wife and old relationships, and he moved to Scotland, to a house he bought. Since then, the mansion has been empty and Adrian has been forced to tighten security after being vandalized by occupants using the facilities.

Despite the fact that the property has a cinema, billiard room, bar, swimming pool with changing rooms and a full gym, the house has not yet been able to be sold and it is deteriorating more and more. It also has an annex with five separate cabins and stables to house the horses.


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