2019 Elections: Find out what Macri asked his friends in the midst of the economic crisis


Carlos Pagni reported what had been discussed at a private meeting attended by friends of the head of state.

March 28, 2019

The editorialist of The nation Carlos Pagni He added that the friends of President Mauricio Macri had recommended that he not run again in the presidential elections next October. "For the first time, he did not send them to the devil," said people who were not present at the meeting.

Macri's social circle is made up of gentlemen from his home, who are not very opposed to the stress of the power struggle, and two of his friends have suggested in recent days to leave the race and ask for an heir. did not send to the devil, "said a member of the lodge," he said. Pagni.

"The fact that he has not repudiated this suggestion does not mean that he admits or thinks of a plan B. He will fight and he does well to do it, even though we have gone from "win" to "we can win" can not compete, the entire front line of Cambiemos will be disabled, "said a member present at the meeting, according to La Nación.

Pagni also reported that the president's daughter Agustina Macri He informed his friends from Europe that he had bought an apartment in Madrid in the hope that his father will settle there with Juliana Awada next year.


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