2019 Elections: IMF warns all candidates


The head of the economic body showed his position to future presidential candidates.

April 11, 2019

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine LagardOn Thursday, he highlighted the "satisfactory progress" of the reform program that Argentina is implementing as part of a multibillion dollar loan granted by the multilateral organization and said that "That would be silly" that a new prospective government would reject it.

"Now that so much work has been done, in a program where social protection has always been one of our top three priorities, It would be foolish for any candidate to turn their back on the work in progressLagarde told reporters, referring to the October elections in Argentina.

To integrate

Lagarde spoke about the confirmation agreement signed last June by the government of Mauricio Macrifor a total of 57,000 million dollars to three years, and that will inherit the next government, regardless of the winner of the month of October.

The voices of Kirchnerism and Federal Peronism have expressed themselves in recent months to demand a renegotiation of the terms of the agreement.

The head of the Monetary Fund made the remarks at a press conference this morning at the IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings, an annual event taking place this week in the US capital. United and brings together leaders, investors and badysts from around the world.


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