2021 elections: schedules, polls, cancellation of votes and all the keys to get out and vote on June 6


(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Mexico faces one of the most important elections in its history. The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will face the Mexican opposition to fight for 19,000 positions, including 15 governors, 1,063 councils (local and federal, and 1,926 mayors and unions, among other local positions.

This year more than 90 million Mexicans will decide the direction of the country, especially since the mid-term elections in Mexico tend to assess the performance of groups in power.


On the other hand, Mexicans can attend their corresponding boxch from 8:00 a.m. on June 6 to 6:00 p.m. the same day. However, the precinct will not close the doors until the last person in line votes.

In case you didn’t knowr the location of your polling station, you can enter here. For the system to tell you where you will vote, all you have to do is select your entity, place your section and click search and you’re done.


(Photo: Cuartoscuro)
(Photo: Cuartoscuro)

– Mandatory use of the mask

– Only two voters per polling station at a time

– The voter ID will only be handled by the owner of the ID

-The markers and pens will be disinfected every time someone uses them

– The indelible ink placed on the thumb is completely disinfectant, so its application does not represent any risk of contagion.


The governments at stake are those of: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chihuahua Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tlaxcala, Zacatecas.

While the delegations at the local and infralocal level in several States of the Republic are also in dispute this Sunday. During the current elections, deputies will have the possibility of remaining in office for up to 4 years thanks to a reform approved in 2014 which allows them to access re-election and to be up to 12 years under this figure.

In each state, different public positions are played, because the deputies and the authorities of the town halls will have to be modified from these elections. You can consult each position that will be chosen on June 6 by clicking on here.

(Photo: EFE / Carlos Ramírez)
(Photo: EFE / Carlos Ramírez)


The National Electoral Institute (INE) reported the means to validate or invalidate your vote during these elections. Through social networks, he pointed out that to vote, it is necessary to mark with a cross or other distinctive sign, text or legend in the box with the candidate’s name and the emblem of the party to which he belongs, provided that the intention to vote is clearly understood.

If you want to vote for two or more parties in a coalition, you must mark the parties that have the same name as the candidacy. All the emblems of the coalition parties can be marked, two or only one.

Suffrage will be canceled if the ballot the ballot is left blank or the entire ballot is marked without a clear definition of the vote. It will also lose its validity if the boxes are marked with more than two unaligned emblems.


Elections 2021: how to mark the ballot so that the vote is not spoiled
Elections 2021: who drives voting preferences in the 15 governorates

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