21 masseurs denounce Houston Texans superstar Deshaun Watson


Deshaun Watson He’s 25, is an American football player and one of the NFL figures, so much so that in 2018 his Funko Pop doll went on sale, but the Houston Texans starting quarterback is no longer topical for his athletic performance, but for alleged sexual harassment complaints which in two weeks amounted to 21.

Watson’s goal was masseurs and they took the courage to face a Houston public figure just over two weeks ago. First, two came forward to report him for harassment and inappropriate touching, and soon after, a third did, who said Watson forced her to have oral sex during treatment last December.

“Following a message posted by a plaintiff’s lawyer on social media seeking publicity, I recently learned that a complaint had apparently been filed against me. I haven’t yet one. saw the content, but I know it: I’ve always tried everything about women with nothing but the utmost respect. It’s not about money for me, it’s about reputation I hope I can free you from all accusation without any real basis, ”Watson wrote on his Twitter account at the time. It was his last post on this social network, while his last update on the Instagram feed was on March 7.

But it was not an isolated accusation. Over the days, the complainants have joined us and this Wednesday two new ones were reported which brought the figure to 21 civil suits. The allegations point to a sliding scale of sexualized incidents between the different cases, ranging from inappropriate pressure to sexual harassment.

In addition, according to the EFE agency, Watson allegedly approached one of the plaintiffs to withdraw his trial, while he would have deleted the incriminating messages from social networks. “We categorically deny that he approached any of the plaintiffs in an attempt to reach an amicable settlement,” said Rusty Hardin, the quarterback’s lawyer.

Hardin’s strategy is to portray his client as someone who regularly uses massage services, but without having any “sexual” orientation, and that is why he has responded to the accusations with wide publication of official statements by 18 masseurs who claim to have had only positive business interactions with the player.

On the other side, the lawyer defending the victims, Tony Buzbee, slipped the possible obstruction to the investigation of Hardin, because “he has a son who is part of the exclusive HPD Command Team”, as he posted on Instagram, which is why he felt that it was better to seek other authorities to entrust him with his information about the case.

While another woman, represented by Houston civil rights attorney UA Lewis, also provided Sports Illustrated with a first-hand account of a massage encounter with Watson that she believed she attempted to sexualize.

For his part, Houston Texans general manager Nick Caserio spoke publicly through the “Texas All Access” podcast and called the lawsuit against the player “worrying.” “We are certainly aware of that. We made a statement early on where we defined our position. We take this seriously. What we discuss is really worrying. Organizationally, it’s not something we can forgive, that kind of action. But we will let the process move forward and what will happen, we will work together and help facilitate the resolution, ”he noted.

The NFL, meanwhile, has already started an independent investigation of the case. After condemning Watson’s alleged attitude, they said they had nothing to comment at this time. “The matter is under review” linked to the league’s personal conduct policy, recalled spokesperson Brian McCarthy.

NFL Players Union Executive Director DeMaurice Smith also raised the issue and said his organization was closely monitoring the entire process and would be aware of the situation that arose and how it might affect the young Watson’s life and staff. conduct policy that is in effect in the current collective agreement.


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