22 years after the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta | Chronic


This Thursday, September 5th, the feast of St. Teresa of Calcutta, canonized three years ago by Pope Francis during a Mbad celebrated in St. Peter's Square, attended by about 120,000 people.

St. Teresa of Calcutta has always testified in the service of Christ in the "The poorest of the poor"teaching that the greatest poverty was not found in the modest neighborhoods of Calcutta, but in places where love is often lacking or in societies that allow abortion.

Mother Teresa was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, then belonging to Albania and now to Macedonia. She originally called Gonxha Agnes Bojaxhiu, who changed Teresa when she entered the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

She was baptized the day after she was born, received the first communion at the age of 5 and was confirmed a year later.

He entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Loreto in 1928, a year later he arrived in India and made his first vows in 1937. He spent 20 years in this congregation.

She was baptized the day after her birth (Photo: Archive).

On October 7, 1950, he founded the Missionaries of Charity, with the charism of surrendering to the poorest of the poor. In 1963, he founded the male branch of the Missionary Brothers of Charity, in 1973 to the contemplative Sisters, in 1979 to the contemplative Brothers. In 1984, he founded the Missionary Fathers of Charity and the Corpus Christi Priest Movement.

In 1979, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. When the congregation he founded had 3,842 nuns in 594 homes around the world, he was called to Father's House on September 5, 1997.

Saint John Paul II and Mother Teresa at the Vatican (Photo: Vatican Media)

He was beatified by his great friend Saint John Paul II October 19, 2003, who remembered as follows: "To quench the thirst for love and the souls of Jesus in union with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, has become the sole purpose of the existence of Mother Teresa, as well as the inner strength of her life. She pushed herself to surpbad herself. and & # 39; go fast & # 39; around the world to work for the salvation and sanctification of the poorest of the poor. "

She was canonized 13 years later by the dad Francisco as part of the celebration of the jubilee of volunteers and mercy operators.

READ ALSO: The church today recalls Saint Teresa of Calcutta

The pontiff pointed out that "Mother Teresa, throughout her life, has been a generous dispenser of divine mercy, making herself available to all through the reception and defense of human life, whether she be born or abandoned or that she is abandoned.He is engaged in the defense of life by constantly proclaiming that "the unborn child is the weakest, the smallest, the poorest". "

In a famous interview shortly before his death, Santa Teresa of Calcutta left this message to Brazilian missionary magazine "Sem Borders" in 1997: "Love one another, as Jesus loves you. I have nothing to add to the message Jesus left us. To love, one must have a pure heart and pray. The fruit of prayer is the deepening of faith. The fruit of faith is love. And the fruit of love is at the service of others. It brings us peace. "


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