24 dead after a train accident in Turkey


At least 24 people died and 124 were wounded on Sunday when a train derailed in western Turkey officials said.

Five wagons of a train bound for Istanbul derailed after heavy rains and a landslide, Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag said Monday quoted by state broadcaster TRT Haber.

Neighboring hospitals were treating 124 people injured in Sunday's accident, said Turkish Health Minister Ahmet Demircan, according to the station.

Akdag said that the search and rescue effort after the accident was stopped Monday morning, he added.

The train was carrying 362 pbadengers at the time of the accident

A survivor told his experience at the DHA news agency.
"I saw dead people, I saw people who had their legs destroyed, it was something horrible," said the witness, according to the DHA.

Photos and videos of the region show the cars overturned and people being transported on stretchers.

Tekirdag Governor Mehmet Ceyhan said that the area where the accident occurred is muddy because of heavy rains and difficult access.

Emergency vehicles and military helicopters arrived at the scene. The neighboring municipality of Corlu tweeted that hospitals in the area needed blood donors.

* With information about the AP

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