25 years later, Lorena Bobbitt revealed what had happened the night she had cut off her husband's penis


25 years after the facts, Lorena broke the silence and in an interview to NBC He gave details of what happened that night at his home in Manbadas, Virginia, in the United States.

John Bobbitt came drunk and raped her. When she fell asleep, she went to the kitchen, took a knife and cut off her penis. Then he got into the car with the member in his hand and threw him into a field. Finally, he went to the authorities.

The police found the male organ and took him to the hospital in a box containing ice to be re-implanted during a 9-hour surgery. "I was not in my head, I was traumatized, psychologically destroyed, I can not think of that reaction, I did not have control of this action, I was not not mentally in a normal state … ", said Lorena during the interview.

The woman reported that her husband insulted her from the night they were married, when she was drunk and abused her. "The trauma is not just emotional and mental, you are experiencing something you can not describe," he said.

Lorena Bobbitt explained that she was very in love with her husband but that she had gone over "red flags". "I never thought that I was violent, I was in love with my husband, he loves me attractive and honest," he added.

"I was in a vicious circle of domestic violence, I did not know where to go, I was isolated, I felt trapped at home," she said, adding that she was today a mission: "Helping women victims of gender-based violence".

To integrate


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