27 years after the attack on the Israeli embassy


While the 17th is the exact day of the terrorist attack perpetrated 27 years ago against Arroyo Street and the Suipacha building, the central act will take place on Monday, March 18th. Today, at 7 pm, there will be another film starring young people. .

The The central act will take place at the Israel Plaza Embbady, at the corner of Arroyo and Suipacha, the exact location where was the building in which the Israeli diplomatic headquarters operated.

The commemoration will begin at 2:50 pm, at which time the attack took place, which will be accompanied by the sound of a siren.

At the same time, it is expected that the ambbadador of Israel in Argentina, Ilan Sztulman, will be one of the speakers, alongside the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the nation, Germán Garavano, and Alberto Romano, on behalf of the relatives of the victims. and the survivors.


They will be present Holders of various ministerial portfolios and heads of the National Government and the Autonomous City of Buenos Airesas well as members of the legislature, the judiciary and the diplomatic corps accredited in Argentina.

As reported by the Israeli Embbady, ​​during the act there will be a prayer area with representatives of different religions such as Imam Marwan Gill, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, who will deliver an Arabic prayer in memory of the deceased, and Father Carlos White, head of the Commission for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Archbishopric of Buenos Aires.

Rabina Sarina Vitas will recite a prayer according to the Jewish rite and when the end of the act will arrive, musical pieces performed by Alejandro Lerner will be heard.

Accompany to this anniversary a graphic campaign on public transport and save the sentence from the biblical matrix "And you will tell your son", with an image in which you can feel the desolation of the place, see the smoke which emerges from the debris and dusts that dye the actual colors of the objects, which corresponds to the first minutes after the terrorist attack and which conveys to the observer the feeling that it is part of the scene.

As part of this campaign, on the Sunday before the River Plate-Independiente match at Monumental Stadium, the survivors of the attack will participate in the Olympic round with their children and grandchildren, By holding a flag reminiscent of the commemoration of the 27 years of the attack, there will be a minute of silence in tribute to the victims and a specially prepared short film will be screened.

In addition, in accordance with the slogan of the campaign "And you will tell your son that the attack we have seen so close", at the National Congress and the station of 9 July of the D line of the subway, acrylic pieces will be designed by FWK Argentina that contains rubble, a menorah (seven-armed candelabrum), a cross, a backpack and a teddy bear, among other objects of everyday life in places where attack has left its mark.

In addition, as part of this campaign, the survivors of the aggression will meet during the month of March in the homes and workplaces of the referents of the Argentine national program to make known to the younger generations what they have lived concretely. The provisional Speaker of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, will participate. Others have already taken place with the deputy and leader of the Revolutionary Front Sergio Mbada and the leaders of the CGT.

On the sidelines of the anniversary, the two houses of Congress of the nation issued a statement in which they expressed their "new request for clarification of the facts and conviction of the culprit".


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