28 children were mistakenly vaccinated against the coronavirus – News


As stated in a statement from the Ministry of Health of the Municipality of Itirapina, a nursing technician mistakenly sent vials with the vaccine CoronaVac Chinese laboratory Sinovac for a school where the annual influenza vaccination campaign takes place.

The error was seen during the control of the vaccine depot, when the lack of 46 doses of CoronaVac was detected, of which Brazil already has 40 million due to an agreement between the Chinese laboratory Sinovac and the Institute of São Paulo Butantan.

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“We need to monitor these cases because there are not enough trials with Coronavac in babies, children and pregnant women. As it is a vaccine with an inactivated virus, it is possible that people vaccinated accidentally do not have significant adverse effects, “said infectologist Bernardino Souto. Globo channel.

Pedro, a boy of 1 year and 10 months, was the youngest vaccinated by mistake.

The mother, Jessica Aparecida Santos, said her pediatrician has asked to be informed of anything that may happen to the child in the weeks to come.

“He told me that it’s likely, being CoronaVac, that there won’t be any reactions,” the mother said on television.

12% of the Brazilian population, or 25 million people, have already been vaccinated since January 17, of which 8.5 million have received both doses.

In total, Brazil applied 34,018,665 million vaccines, over 80% of CoronaVac and the rest of AstraZeneca.

Brazil is in the midst of the hospital collapse as the world leader in daily coronavirus deaths in March.

At least 11 states are having problems purchasing the so-called “intubation kit,” sedatives for Covid-19 patients who need help breathing.

In 60% of first aid rooms in the state of São Paulo, the most populous with 46 million inhabitants, these sedatives have run out, according to a report from the entity that brings together the municipalities.


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