28% increase for employees in private residences: …


The government has set an increase in the minimum hourly and monthly wages for workers in private homes. The decision was published on Tuesday in the Official Journal and indicates that the scheduled download will be done in three steps.

Resolution 3/2020, which entered into force on December 1 of this year, establishes that the salary increase will be 28% which will be effective as follows: 10% from December 1st; 8% not cumulative as of February 1, 2021 and ten% not cumulative as of April 1, 2021.

According to the text of the Official Journal, “the percentage of ‘unfavorable zone’ has been increased, fixing its total amount at 28 per cent of the minimum wage corresponding to each of the stipulated categories, as of January 1, 2021”.



The Government indicates in the resolution that these salary adjustments must be applied throughout the country and that “They will remain in force until replaced by those established in a new resolution”. “The duration of the agreement concluded extends from December 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021”, adds the text.

Also, from this Monday workers in private homes were able to use public transport.



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