3 films to better understand what is happening in Afghanistan – Come and See


The withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan and the return to power of the Taliban are the stars of news portals and newspapers around the world, with explanations of the beginnings and causes of the conflict that began in 1979.

The Taliban entered the Afghan capital Kabul on Sunday and claimed victory from the government palace, hours after President Ashraf Ghani fled abroad after 20 years of overthrow by the United States in a dispute that intensified after the September 11 attacks on the Twin Tours orchestrated by Al-Qaida.

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Below, we review some productions that deal with how people live in Afghanistan, the implications of the US invasion, and living conditions under Taliban rule:

The Bread of War (2017)

Oscar nominated animated film available on Netflix. The film explores the conditions to which women were subjected during the Taliban rule in 2001. The extreme restrictions are due to the group following Sharia, the Islamic law which overrides women’s rights and, among other things, requires the wearing of the burqa.

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The film tells the story of Parvana, an 11-year-old girl from Kabul whose father is arrested, leaving the family without money, because women cannot work. The young girl will do the unthinkable to obtain family support.

From the Front Lines (2010)

It is a documentary film that focuses on what the North American soldiers went through during the invasion of the Middle Eastern country. It is not on platforms in Argentina, but can be seen in parts of Youtube.

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Winner of the Documentary Jury Grand Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, the film explores the damage suffered by the residents of the neighborhood and questions various aspects of American action.

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The Battle of Kamdesh (2020)

War film based on a book by war journalist Jake Tapper available at Paramount + y Flux.

“A small unit of American soldiers, stationed in the most dangerous place in Afghanistan, faces a crushing attack from a larger group of Taliban,” the synopsis describes.

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The film is based on one of the bloodiest battles of the war in Afghanistan in 2009. Although this is a pure action production, it serves to contextualize one of the episodes and the conflict in general.

Bonus title

Die to Say (2018)

Documentary by Argentinian filmmaker Hernán Zin. Zin himself suffered an accident in Afghanistan that changed his life forever.

This trigger led him to do this work which addresses everything that happens physically and psychologically to a war reporter.

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“Reporters kidnapped by ISIS, wounded in Syria, who have lost friends and colleagues in the wars in Bosnia, Sierra Leone, Iraq or Afghanistan. A brutal and heart-wrenching portrayal of the war,” he said. synopsis.


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