30 bodies found in the house of the former policeman


The macabre discovery occurred inside the home of a former policeman in Chalchuapa, in the department of Santa Ana.

The discovery, the first reports of which date back to last May, took place at the home of former policeman Hugo Ernesto Osorio Chávez, 51, in Estévez alley, Las Flores district, Chalchuapa jurisdiction.

“Como parte del resultado de la investigación que todavía tenemos en curso, Fiscalía le está dando respuesta a cada una de las familias en este caso que se judicializó”, dijo la jefa de la Unidad de Feminicidios de la Fiscalía, Graciela Sagastume, in una press conference.

They detailed that among the remains delivered this Thursday, there are two boys and a girl.

He also said that the 12 bodies were handed over to eight families, because five of the bodies belonged to the same family group whose crime allegedly took place at the end of 2020.

The authorities have still not been able to specify the number of bodies found, as they are still being identified. Anyway, they assured they were around 30.

“To perhaps remove this uncertainty from the numbers, we could say that inside this house we can hover around 30 bodies that could be recovered,” the official said at the press conference.


El Salvador: justice confirmed the conclusion.

El Salvador: justice confirmed the conclusion.

In May, it was known that Osorio had told authorities that there were some 47 bodies buried in the house.

Sagastume said a total of 11 mass graves were found. In the first, they found the 12 recently delivered bodies.

In the rest, remains have already been exhumed and are being identified. “When it came time to find the bodies, they were in a superimposed position, stacked and some skeletons were mixed up,” the official said, stressing that this made the process difficult, although they were carefully separated.

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