30 percent of Mexicans suffer from lactose intolerance



Today, 30% of Mexicans suffer from a lactase deficiency – an enzyme that metabolizes lactose – which causes discomfort to the digestive system, since it avoids metabolizing lactose (milk sugar) and, therefore, absorb it.

However, the discomfort that this may cause may or may not be badociated with intolerance. In other words, a person can poorly absorb, but tolerate lactose, especially when it is consumed in small amounts.

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Therefore, intolerance is not only caused by poor digestion of lactose but with other contents that milk can have.

According to Dr. Luis Federico Uscanga Domínguez, Head of Department of Gastroenterology at the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán (INCMNSZ), intolerance is a nuisance that is attributed to a product , while "poor absorption" refers to the ability to absorb

"But you have to be careful, lactase insufficiency is commonly badociated with other diseases. "Lactose absorption does not relieve us of colon cancer, duodenal ulcer, reflux, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory or infectious colitis," says Uscanga Dominguez, also a professor in the Faculty of Medicine. the UNAM.


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