37 years after the Falklands war, the region pays tribute to his soldiers


With the main square between ages 50 and 54 as the main stage, the memory of the heroes was more alive than ever yesterday at another anniversary of the 1982 war.

37 years after the beginning of the Falklands War, thousands of people paid tribute to veterans and died with acts throughout the country yesterday. And in our city, the nerve center of tributes took place on the place of 19 years between 50 and 54, where, against the ravages of time and vandalism, the former door of the 7th Regiment remains as a landmark of the unfortunate story. Infantry The same in which in 1982 the soldiers left for the belligerent conflict in the Australian lands.

Like every April 2, it was the place where neighbors and loved ones of the winners approached early to cover green irons with traditional red carnations. Flowers, letters and photos with the names of those who have left the service units, including the 36 fallen soldiers of the 7th Regiment and the three members of the First Brigade, have also been placed in the three-column monument. stands on the renowned site like Plaza Malvinas.

There, with these symbolic signs as witnesses, in the midst of tears of emotion and pain, the demand for memory, truth and justice was renewed with the request for identification of the ten Argentinian soldiers who are buried without being located at the Darwin Cemetery.

"We ask for the identification of those who are still missing," they asked Cecim

As every year, dozens of red carnations were placed in the old gate of the 7th Regiment

"We are asking for the identification of those who are still missing, we are proud and satisfied with what has been done, but there are still ten identifications," said the president of the Malvinas Veterans' Center (Cecim). , Hugo Robert.

During this act, which took place at noon under a hot autumn sun, the Cecim paid tribute to Dolores Federal Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla, currently Federal, for his performance as a lawyer in the case that made possible the identification in 123 graves of the cemetery. southern. Along with local veterans, parents, councilors, provincial legislators, human rights organizations and citizens in general, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and union leaders such as Roberto Baradel participated in this event.

A sample not to forget

"The place of the Malvinas Islands has a special significance for the former soldiers enlisted since the 7th Infantry Regiment settled in this property, from which the soldiers left for the islands." is the one that killed the most: 36 soldiers fell during the conflict with the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to which we pay tribute each year, "they remember. Cecim.

To keep this memory alive, it is that yesterday, at the Center of the culture and the memory of Malvinas Islands, located in the enclosure of the place, a series of photographic exhibitions and documentaries was inaugurated and can be visited throughout the month of April (see apart).

race for heroes

Beyond the place Malvinas, the sport circuit of the forest was the scene of the morning of the 8 in the morning. edition of the race in honor of the dead in the war of 1982 and ex-combatants. The 9-kilometer sports competition, called "Tribute of Heroes of Malvinas Race", organized by the veterans' circle of athletes Platenses, has brought together a multitude of families who, in addition to honoring the soldiers, have brought their share of solidarity by making useful donations. schools to be divided among the most vulnerable students.

Meanwhile, in Abasto, activities have developed with an epicenter located in Plaza Carlos Hornos, named in honor of the homonymous soldier fallen in battle, recalling another neighbor killed during the war, José Luciano Romero.

The commemoration actions of the date had begun the day before with the traditional vigil of the House of the Malvinas Veteran-fighter (CEMA) on the square. There have been artistic interventions, film screenings, lentil stews prepared in country kitchens, the intonation of the national anthem, allusive speeches and a minute of applause closed in remember the dead. In addition, in the green space of 19, between 50 and 54, a sign indicating the 1870.83 kilometers separating La Plata from the Darwin Cemetery was discovered.

A few blocks away, on Plaza Moreno, Monday afternoon was the perfect setting for the Cecim to promote the intervention with lanterns of the largest mural of the Falkland Islands in Latin America: a picture of more than 1,700 square meters – on the square tiles – whose luminous collective transformation has been declared of municipal interest. In this regard, Martin Carrizo, son of veteran Rodolfo Carrizo, said that "the idea was to illuminate the identity of the comrades who are buried in the Darwin Cemetery."

In the area, the emotion also went through the activities to remember veterans and fallen to Malvinas. One of them took place in the Barragán Fort of Ensenada, where the mayor of the nearby town, Mario Secco, ex-combatants, relatives – among them the sister of the soldier Néstor González – and citizens in general have made floral offerings. In Berisso, in front of the mural of Avenida Montevideo and 4, the former Veteran Center ex-Combatiente of the Malvinas Islands (Cevecim) led a memorial commemorating 37 years of acts perpetrated in Malvinas. "We have come to pay homage to the true fallen heroes of the Falkland Islands," said Cevecim President Jorge Di Pietro, criticizing: "We did not go to the Falklands with the San Martin army, we went fight against the bloodiest dictatorship in the history of Argentina, who had the intention to stay in power, if the war was won ". After these words, the president of the deliberative council of Berisso, Matías Nanni, as well as the president of the Rotary club of this city, Susana Quaini, veterans and other badistants crowned with flowers the monument commemorating the heroes.


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