38 giant sea turtles were born in Ecuador | …


Thirty-eight leatherback turtle specimens, a vulnerable species and considered the largest on the planet, they were born on a beach in the province of Manabí, on the coast of Ecuador, the country’s Ministry of the Environment and Water reported on Monday.

“On the beach of Punta Bikini in the canton of Sucre, 38 sea turtles of the leatherback species (Dermochelys coriácea) were born,” the Ecuadorian environmental authority published in a statement.

According to the press release, the birth of these turtles, an endangered species in the eastern Pacific, was attended by “technical specialists from Ecuador and Mexico of the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Marine Turtles (CIT)” after the park ranger detected the first specimen in the nest.

This is the first time that in Ecuador there is a massive birth of leatherback turtles, which they can be up to three meters long and weigh up to a ton.

The Ecuadorian Environment Portfolio reported that “morphometric and biometric data” of the turtles were recorded to release them “during hours of low solar intensity, placing them on the sand at a considerable distance from the sea so that they could rest. conform to their natural biological process.

According to specialists “the reproduction rate of the leatherback turtle is the lowest of the sea turtle species, because only fifty percent of the eggs hatch “.

The leatherback turtle lives in the temperate tropical, subtropical and subarctic waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.

In 2015 and 2017, leatherback turtle nests were also found on the Ecuadorian coast, but the eggs did not hatch.


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