39,000 doses of Sputnik V arrived in Santa Fe to complete the vaccination of people over 60


According to the official, the government of Santa Fe is intensely pursuing the vaccination plan and stressed that, according to the recorded experiences, “it is proven that 93% of cases of people entering intensive care are not vaccinated. This is why it is essential“.

Prieto preferred not to risk the dates of arrival of new doses of vaccines in the province, but recalled that “a large shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines is about to enter the country“.

>> Find out more: What will happen to those waiting for the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine

Regarding the announcements of President Alberto Fernández on Thursday evening on the deepening restrictive measures To try curb the rise in coronavirus cases, the Under-Secretary for Health said he was very satisfied: “The fundamental strategy is to reduce the circulation. If we can restrict that, and knowing that the virus for its survival must pass from one organism to another , cutting this transmission chain we will flatten and decrease the curve. The intention is Limit production and the social aspect to a minimum. But we have reached a point where the situation of the health system is critical and there is no possibility of increasing the number of beds. Yes even knowing that each vacated bed is not due to medical leave but to death“.

Vaccination of the target population

In turn, the Undersecretary for Health Equity, Romina Carrizo, commented that until Friday “52% of the target population of Santa Fe has been vaccinated, that is to say, more than 60 years, teachers, health professionals and members of the security forces “, to remember later than the next instance” age group 59 to 18 with risk factors, in which in the first two places appear people suffering from morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes “.

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