43-million-year-old remains of four-legged whale found


Egyptian scientists have discovered the fossil of a 43-million-year-old amphibious four-legged whale species.

A group of scientists found in Fayoum, south of Cairo, Egypt a 43-million-year-old fossil of a species of 4-legged amphibious whale.

Experts believe this discovery helps track the transition of these animals from land to sea.

To integrate

The species, at least, it was 3 meters long. Classified as Phiomicetus anubis, it was able to move by land and sea. According to the remains found, it had strong muscles in its jaw.

Scientists believe that their diet consisted mainly of crocodiles and small mammals, as well as the young of other animals.


The four-legged whale found in Egypt was named “Anubis” in honor to the god of the dead of ancient Egypt.

As a guardian of the tombs and a guide through the other world for humans, it seemed appropriate for paleontologists to honor the classical deity with the discovery of a new prehistoric species 43 million years old.



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