455 years after his death, what did he predict for 2021 and what were his great prophecies


On July 2, 1566, he died at the age of 63. Michel de Notre-Dame, a name that says little except that it identifies with the nickname with which it has become famous over the centuries: Nostradamus, the most famous astrologer and seer in history.

Nostradamus wrote 6,338 prophecies almost 500 years ago. Many of them -like the assassination of JFK, the world wars or the fall of the twin towers– have been completed. The cryptic quatrains of this French apothecary born December 14, 1503 in Saint Remy they always fascinate and, at the same time, terrorize the world.

Nostradamus claimed that his prophecies came true at night, in the office where he kept his books and medicines. The messages came to him from the cosmos, since for him everything had to do with the movement of the stars. In fact, he said that God had made known to him these predictions through the stars.

Nostradamus was born in Saint Rémy, Provence, France, on December 14, 1503.

Nostradamus was born in Saint Rémy, Provence, France on December 14, 1503.

Doctor (he studied medicine but never received it) and alchemist, he was a passionate traveler who, during his many journeys in France, came into contact with healers, witches and fortune tellers. And they are the ones who passed on their knowledge of the stars to him. In full rebirth boom (between 1547 and 1549) toured Italy.

From 1555, Nostradamus he began to write his forecasts in the form of quatrains. Since each book contained exactly one hundred of these four-line combinations, He called them centuries. At that time, the art of magic was so naturalized that no one cared about these texts which anticipated the future.

Nostradamus had the protection of Catalina de Medici -first queen consort of France then regent- who, fascinated by her talent, gave her a place at court as diviner, adviser and doctor. Wise or crazy? The truth is that his name has transcended five centuries and continues to generate unknowns and expectations in the face of every event that shakes the world.

After a fateful year 2020 when the world has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, according to the sensations of the famous seer, this 2021 will be worse than the previous one.

Nostradamus wrote his prophecies almost 500 years ago.  .

Nostradamus wrote his prophecies almost 500 years ago. .

Let’s see what some of his dramatic prophecies are for this 2021, according to the Yearly Horoscope site.

Famine and global crisis

“After a big problem for humanity, a larger one is prepared. The Great Machine renews the ages. Rain, blood, milk, hunger, steel and pestilence. In the sky you see fire and a long trail of sparks ”.

The followers of the astrologer assure that this text refers to the great crisis that will occur as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. It can refer both to a great planetary famine and to a general crisis, wars or new diseases.

Zombie apocalypse

“Few young people: half dead to begin with. Fathers and mothers who died in endless pain. Women in mourning, the pestilential monster. The Great will no longer be, the whole world will end “, confides one of the quatrains that its interpreters assure that it refers to what will happen this year.

Nostradamus and the appearance of zombies, a possible prophecy.

Nostradamus and the appearance of zombies, a possible prophecy.

However, on reading the text, opinions are different. For some people, anticipate a terrifying zombie invasion; for others, less extreme, it is a symbolic break in family ties in which the youngest will be injured.

Fatal meteorite

“In the sky you see fire and a long trail of sparks.” This is how Nostradamus refers to the collision of a comet which will cause large natural disasters and strong earthquakes in the planet. In this regard, NASA has announced that a huge asteroid is likely to hit Earth in the coming years. As a prelude, at the end of May, a meteorite was filmed falling on the Merapi volcano, in Indonesia.



California earthquake will devastate

According to another of his quatrains, an extremely strong earthquake will destroy California (“the lands of the West”) in 2021.

“The sloping park, great calamity. Across the lands of the West and Lombardy. The burning of the ship, the plague and the captivity. Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn vanishing, ”is the quatrain that advances this catastrophe.

The San Andreas fault, the geological rupture that holds California in suspense.

The San Andreas fault, the geological rupture that holds California in suspense.

For their part, astrologers confirm that the next date on which the planets Mars and Saturn will be in this position in the sky will be November 25, 2021.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Chip implants in the brain

“The new ones will lead the army. Almost isolated until close to the shore. Help from the struggling Milanese elite. The Duke deprived of his eyes in Milan in an iron cage ”.

In this text, the interpreters believe that the great diviner announced that the soldiers of the North American army will become “cyborgs” brain to save mankind. The chips will offer artificial intelligence to surpass the biological.

Elon Musk's Neuralink brainchips are already a reality that has exploded this year.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink brainchips are already a reality that has exploded this year.

Climate change and its effects

“We will see the water rise and the earth fall below.” The seer also anticipates solar storms and the strong effects of climate change that is already being felt on our planet with the melting of the poles and the rise in sea levels.

As never before, the scourges of climate change have been observed this year, even surpassing the previous one with big heat waves (as in Canada, where there are already at least 410 dead) or in the accelerated thaw of permanent ice sources. of the Arctic. Ocean.

Trees burn in Lytton, British Columbia, Canada in the biggest heat wave in its history.  Photo: Reuters

Trees are burning in Lytton, British Columbia, Canada due to the biggest heat wave in its history. Photo: Reuters

Famous Prophecies of Nostradamus

The appearances of Napoleon, Adolf Hitler and the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki they were interpreted centuries ago by Nostradamus.

About Napoleon, he writes in a quatrain: “An emperor who will be born near Italy … That it will be sold very dear to the empire … They will say with how many people it aligns itself … That it will appear less a prince than a butcher “.

Nostradamus said that God imparted his knowledge to him through the movement of the stars.

Nostradamus said that God imparted his knowledge to him through the movement of the stars.

Of the appearance of the genocidal German, he wrote 400 years ago: “From the depths of Western Europe, from the poor a child will be born, which by its language will seduce the masses, its fame in the Eastern Kingdom will only grow. “And American nuclear bombs he also left his mark:” Near the gates and inside two cities, there will be two lashes because he’s never seen anything like it, famine, within the pestilence, by cast iron, ask the help of the great immortal God. “

He also left an impression on what was to happen in his country, with the shock of the French Revolution: “From the enslaved population, songs, songs and claims, while princes and lords are held captive in prisons. These will be received in the future by headless fools as divine prayers.”

Alchemist and clairvoyant, his writings continue to generate unknowns and fascination.

Alchemist and clairvoyant, his writings continue to generate unknowns and fascination.

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