5 airports where waiting time is a pleasant part of the trip


Airports with indoor pools and waterfalls, 4-D giant cinema screens, flight simulators or an entire island in the middle of the Pacific are breakthroughs that make waiting time for a flight, according to a recent study from a Tourism Ecommerce Corporation.

The image of sleepy travelers between blankets on the floor, lying on multiple seats or bored around a coffee table, no longer appears in airports with modern day experiences or attractive.

According to a survey conducted by the firm Booking.com, about 1,600 pbadengers from 30 countries, including Argentina, have emerged the 5 most unique airports in this regard.

The tourists consulted pointed out the features and facilities of these air stations, located in most countries in Asia and the Pacific, where it is impossible to get bored and where waiting time is a pleasant part of the trip.

First, the airport is listed Changi in Singaporewhich, besides about 300 stores, offers a swimming pool on its terrace, a cinema open 24/24, a butterfly garden and a spa.

Changi, considered by many to be the best airport in the world, crowns all this with the highest indoor waterfall on the planet, in the middle of a forest called Rain Vortex, unique in its category.

Those who have never traveled by plane and want to know the experience before boarding have the Hong Kong International Airport the opportunity to visit the aviation discovery center, where they propose to try a simulator of cabin of plane.

There, they will also be entertained with images of Asia's largest 4-D projection cinema, an indoor golf course and a Chinese tea shop, as well. exclusive options for this terminal.

In Asia too, although in the west and south of India and the Arabian Sea, are the Male International Airportin the Maldivian capital, which occupies an entire island.

This modest sized air station has the particularity of being completely surrounded by water and the takeoff and landing are the most exciting experiences experienced by travelers.

Although it is known by this name, it is not its official name, but that of the international airport Ibrahim Nasir, and it does not occupy the island of Malé but the neighboring island of Hulhule, which found in the same atoll.

Already in the "western world", even though in Oceania – which is still east of China – travelers have the feeling of getting into a movie when they land. Wellington Airport, capital of New Zealand, which provided the best natural scenarios for the saga of the movie "The Lord of the Rings".

Large figures such as Gollum or Gandalf, riding this eagle hanging on the roof of the central hall, next to the thematic installations of the Hobbit, remind travelers that the company Weta, winner of an Oscar for the special effects of the oscar, is also in this city. these films, and that is open to tourism.

The airport of Wellington, the third most populated city in the country, houses the lounge "La Roca", a new terminal whose decoration simulates the local landscape.

From the West, strictly speaking of Europe, the only notable airport of the Booking.com survey is that of Barajas, in Madrid, the largest in the old world, offering travelers great shopping, shopping and the Elysium Travel spa.

This structure has been designed to help reduce the stress of pbadengers through the use of natural light, thanks to roof domes that allow its pbadage, in combination with an attractive structure and relaxing views. (Télam)


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